To implement the network congestion control within OMNeT++ has contains numerous steps that comprise setting up the simulation environment, executing congestion control mechanisms, identifying traffic patterns, and describing network components. Given below is a process on how to implement network congestion control in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
network CongestionControlNetwork {
router1: Router {
router2: Router {
host1: StandardHost {
host2: StandardHost {
router1.pppg++ <–> Ethernet10G <–> router2.pppg++;
host1.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router1.pppg++;
host2.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router2.pppg++;
[Config CongestionControl]
network = CongestionControlNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
*.host1.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “TcpBasicClientApp”
*[0].connectAddress = “host2”
*[0].connectPort = 1234
*[0].tOpen = 0s
*[0].tClose = 100s
*[0].sendBytes = 10000B
*.host2.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “TcpBasicServerApp”
*[0].localPort = 1234
For instance, configuring TCP NewReno:
*.host1.tcp.tcpAlgorithmClass = “TcpNewReno”
*.host2.tcp.tcpAlgorithmClass = “TcpNewReno”
*.router1.queue.typename = “RED”
*.router1.queue.minTh = 5
*.router1.queue.maxTh = 15
*.router1.queue.wq = 0.002
*.router1.queue.maxP = 0.1
Over this module, we had explained about how to execute the network Congestion Control within OMNeT++. We shall offered numerous details as per your requests.
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