To implement the network blockage mitigation in OMNeT++, we have to include mimicking situations where obstacles block the communication path among nodes, leading to signal degradation or loss. To overwhelm this, we can execute strategies like rerouting, the use of relays to maintain communication or beamforming adjustments. Blockage mitigation is specifically related in high-frequency wireless networks like mmWave, where signals are extremely vulnerable to physical obstructions.
Given below is a step-by-step procedure to executing network blockage mitigation in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Make a network topology where nodes communicate with each other, and familiarise obstacles that could cause blockage.
Example NED File (BlockageNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.AccessPoint;
import inet.environment.object.Obstacle;
network BlockageNetwork
int numObstacles = default(2); // Number of obstacles
baseStation: AccessPoint {
mobileNode: StandardHost {
obstacle[numObstacles]: Obstacle {
In this example:
Use the INET framework’s obstacle models to mimic blockages. These models can attenuate or block signals completely, depending on their properties and the occurrence of the signal.
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = BlockageNetwork
**.obstacle[*].shape = “box”
**.obstacle[*].sizeX = 100m
**.obstacle[*].sizeY = 50m
**.obstacle[*].material = “concrete” # Material affects signal attenuation
**.obstacle[*].placementZ = 10m # Elevation of the obstacle
The mobile node wants to identify when a blockage happens and mitigate its effects. This could include switching to a various communication path, modifying the beam direction, or increasing transmission power.
Example: Basic Blockage Detection and Rerouting (C++)
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/physicallayer/contract/packetlevel/IRadio.h”
#include “inet/physicallayer/analogmodel/packetlevel/ScalarTransmission.h”
#include “inet/environment/contract/IPhysicalEnvironment.h”
void MobileNode::initialize() {
currentPath = 1; // Assume path 1 is the default
scheduleAt(simTime(), blockageCheckTimer); // Start blockage detection
void MobileNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg == blockageCheckTimer) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + checkInterval, blockageCheckTimer); // Periodically check for blockage
} else {
// Handle other messages (e.g., packets)
// …
void MobileNode::checkForBlockage() {
// Check the signal quality or presence of obstacles
double signalStrength = measureSignalStrength();
if (signalStrength < signalThreshold) {
EV << “Blockage detected, initiating mitigation\n”;
void MobileNode::mitigateBlockage() {
// Simple mitigation by rerouting
if (currentPath == 1) {
EV << “Switching to alternative path 2\n”;
currentPath = 2; // Switch to an alternative path
// Adjust antenna or change routing path
} else {
EV << “Switching to alternative path 1\n”;
currentPath = 1; // Switch back to the original path
void MobileNode::adjustBeamDirection() {
// Adjust the beam direction to avoid blockage
auto antenna = check_and_cast<SteerableAntenna*>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“wlan”)->getSubmodule(“radio”)->getSubmodule(“antenna”));
antenna->setOrientation(newAzimuth, newElevation);
EV << “Antenna adjusted to new direction to avoid blockage\n”;
double MobileNode::measureSignalStrength() {
// Placeholder for actual signal strength measurement
return uniform(0, 1); // Random value for this example
In this example:
Run the simulation and monitor how the network manages blockages. Display the metrics like signal strength, packet delivery success, and the time taken to reroute or adjust the beam.
Example Configuration for Monitoring Metrics:
network = BlockageNetwork
**[0].signalStrength.recordScalar = true
**[0].reroutingTime.recordScalar = true
This configuration records the signal strength and the time taken to reroute or modify the beam direction.
Examine the results to determine the efficiency of the blockage mitigation strategy, after running the simulation. Consider factors like:
We can improve the elementary blockage mitigation strategy with extra features like:
Example: Predictive Mitigation
void MobileNode::predictAndMitigateBlockage() {
// Use historical data or machine learning to predict a blockage
if (predictBlockage()) {
EV << “Blockage predicted, preemptively adjusting path\n”;
bool MobileNode::predictBlockage() {
// Placeholder for predictive algorithm
return uniform(0, 1) < 0.2; // 20% chance of predicting a blockage
After finishing the simulations, document the blockage mitigation strategies verified, the results obtained, and any optimizations made. It will support in understanding how efficiently the network can manage blockages and maintain communication quality.
In this page, we had provided such a detailed informations and examples is helps to implement the Network Blockage Mitigation using the INET framework in OMNeT++. We will offer more informations as per your offers network performance data for your research. We help you achieve the best results by comparing your parameters. You can get implementation and simulation results on Network Blockage mitigation using the OMNeT++ tool. Reach out to the team for quick support.