To implement the network attacks in OMNeT++ comprises planning and take off numerous forms of attacks, like packet sniffing, Man-in-the-Middle which is MitM, and Denial of Service which is DoS, to learning their effect on network concert and calculate security procedures. Below is the procedure to executing the network attacks in OMNeT++ by using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
To make a certain to install the OMNeT++ and the INET Framework.
To generate a innovative NED file to express the network topology, as well as regular hosts, routers, and attacker nodes.
Example: Network Attack Topology (NetworkAttack.ned)
package networkattack;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
network NetworkAttack
host1: StandardHost {
host2: StandardHost {
router: Router {
attacker: StandardHost {
connections allowunconnected:
host1.ethg++ <–> Eth10M <–> router.ethg++;
host2.ethg++ <–> Eth10M <–> router.ethg++;
attacker.ethg++ <–> Eth10M <–> router.ethg++;
To configure the parameter of the emulations to build an OMNeT++ initialization file.
Example: Configuration File (omnetpp.ini)
network = networkattack.NetworkAttack
sim-time-limit = 200s
# Visualization
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayBackground = true
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayGrid = true
# Host Configuration
*.host*.numApps = 1
*.host*.app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.host*.app[0].destAddresses = “host2”
*.host*.app[0].destPort = 5000
*.host*.app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.host*.app[0].sendInterval = 1s
# Attacker Configuration
*.attacker.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “AttackerApp”
*[0].destAddresses = “host1”
*[0].destPort = 5000
*[0].messageLength = 1024B
*[0].sendInterval = 0.1s
# IP Address Configuration
*.host1.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“host1.xml”)
*.host2.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“host2.xml”)
*.router.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“router.xml”)
*.attacker.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“attacker.xml”)
To express the IP address configuration of the every node to make a XML files.
Example: IP Configuration File for host1 (host1.xml)
Example: IP Configuration File for host2 (host2.xml)
Example: IP Configuration File for router (router.xml)
Example: IP Configuration File for attacker (attacker.xml)
To implement convention submissions for the attacker node to simulate network attacks.
Example: Attacker Application (Pseudo-Code)
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <inet/applications/udpapp/UdpBasicApp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class AttackerApp : public UdpBasicApp
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void launchDoSAttack();
void launchMitMAttack(cMessage *msg);
void sniffPackets(cMessage *msg);
void AttackerApp::initialize(int stage) {
// Schedule periodic DoS attack
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(0, 1), new cMessage(“launchDoS”));
void AttackerApp::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “launchDoS”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, msg);
} else {
void AttackerApp::launchDoSAttack() {
// Logic to send a large number of packets to the target to overload it
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
cMessage *msg = new cMessage(“DoSAttack”);
send(msg, “out”);
void AttackerApp::launchMitMAttack(cMessage *msg) {
// Logic to intercept and modify packets (Man-in-the-Middle attack)
// Example: modify the payload of the packet
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “udpPacket”) == 0) {
// Modify the packet content here
void AttackerApp::sniffPackets(cMessage *msg) {
// Logic to sniff packets and log them
// Example: log the packet content
EV << “Sniffed packet: ” << msg->getName() << endl;
To implement security mechanisms to value their success alongside the attacks.
Example: Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Application (Pseudo-Code)
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <inet/applications/udpapp/UdpBasicApp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class IDSApp : public UdpBasicApp
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void detectIntrusion(cMessage *msg);
void IDSApp::initialize(int stage) {
// Custom initialization code
void IDSApp::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) {
void IDSApp::detectIntrusion(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement intrusion detection logic
// Example: analyze packet patterns and detect anomalies
We have provided some highly effective implementation ideas to enhance the understanding of both factual and simulated Network Attacks in OMNeT++. Stay connected with us for additional simulation results.