To implement the Network Access Control (NAC) in OMNeT++ needs a mechanism which is simulated to implement policies to control access to the network. NAC has authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) to make sure that only authorized users and devices can access network resources. In a simulation, this could contain replicating how devices are legitimate, how access is granted or denied, and how network resources are observed.
Steps to Implement Network Access Control in OMNeT++
simple WorkstationModule
inout ethg;
simple ServerModule
inout ethg;
simple NACServerModule
inout ethg;
network NACNetwork
workstation: WorkstationModule;
server: ServerModule;
nacServer: NACServerModule;
switch: EthernetSwitch;
workstation.ethg <–> switch.ethg[0];
server.ethg <–> switch.ethg[1];
switch.ethg[2] –> nacServer.ethg;
class WorkstationModule : public cSimpleModule {
bool authenticated = false;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start the authentication process
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“authStartTime”), new cMessage(“sendAuthRequest”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendAuthRequest”) == 0) {
} else {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
delete pkt;
void sendAuthRequest() {
// Send an authentication request to the NAC server
cPacket *authReq = new cPacket(“AuthRequest”);
send(authReq, “ethg$o”);
EV << “Authentication request sent to NAC server” << endl;
void processResponse(cPacket *pkt) {
if (strcmp(pkt->getName(), “AuthResponse”) == 0) {
authenticated = pkt->par(“authenticated”).boolValue();
if (authenticated) {
EV << “Authentication successful” << endl;
} else {
EV << “Authentication failed” << endl;
class NACServerModule : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
if (strcmp(pkt->getName(), “AuthRequest”) == 0) {
delete pkt;
void processAuthRequest(cPacket *pkt) {
// Example logic to authenticate the device
bool authenticated = authenticate(pkt);
// Send an authentication response
cPacket *authResp = new cPacket(“AuthResponse”);
authResp->addPar(“authenticated”) = authenticated;
send(authResp, “ethg$o”);
EV << “Authentication response sent: ” << (authenticated ? “Granted” : “Denied”) << endl;
bool authenticate(cPacket *pkt) {
// Implement authentication logic (e.g., check credentials, MAC address, etc.)
return true; // For simplicity, allow all devices
class ServerModule : public cSimpleModule {
bool authorized = false;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
if (strcmp(pkt->getName(), “AuthResponse”) == 0) {
authorized = pkt->par(“authenticated”).boolValue();
if (authorized) {
EV << “Access granted to the server” << endl;
} else {
EV << “Access denied to the server” << endl;
} else if (authorized) {
// Process requests if authorized
} else {
// Drop the packet if not authorized
EV << “Unauthorized access attempt blocked” << endl;
delete pkt;
void processRequest(cPacket *pkt) {
// Handle authorized access to the server
EV << “Processing request: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
delete pkt;
virtual void finish() override {
// Optionally, collect and record metrics about access control decisions
Example Scenario: Enforcing Access Control
In a distinctive scenario, we can access the central server because of the multiple workstations which we have. Each workstation must authenticate with the NAC server. Based on the outcome, access is either granted or denied. The NAC system might also enforce certain policies based on roles, device types, or security compliance.
Through this demonstration, we successfully helped you with the implementation of Network Access Control in OMNeT++ and how to authenticate the users and who can access the network. If needed, we will provide the extra details of access control. We offer excellent guidance and assistance for implementing Network Access Control in the OMNeT++ program. Be sure to visit for some fantastic project ideas from our team!