To implement the 3D beam alignment in OMNeT++ we have to encompass mimicking the process where beamforming arrays or directional antennas modify their beams in three dimensions (azimuth, elevation) to begin and keep a strong communication link among nodes. This is especially related for mmWave and 5G networks, where high-frequency signals need detailed beam alignment to overcome signal degradation. For more simulation results you can contact
The following is a step-by-step approaches to executing 3D beam alignment in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Make a network topology where nodes like base stations and mobile users, want to align their beams in 3D to create a communication link.
Example NED File (BeamAlignmentNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.AccessPoint;
network BeamAlignmentNetwork
baseStation: AccessPoint {
mobileNode: StandardHost {
In this example:
Use the INET framework’s antenna models that help directional and steerable antennas. Configure these antennas for both the base station and the mobile node.
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = BeamAlignmentNetwork
**.baseStation.wlan[0].radio.antenna.typename = “SteerableAntenna”
**.baseStation.wlan[0].radio.antenna.maxGain = 20dB
**.baseStation.wlan[0].radio.antenna.minGain = -10dB
**.baseStation.wlan[0].radio.antenna.beamWidth = 30deg
**.mobileNode.wlan[0].radio.antenna.typename = “SteerableAntenna”
**.mobileNode.wlan[0].radio.antenna.maxGain = 15dB
**.mobileNode.wlan[0].radio.antenna.minGain = -10dB
**.mobileNode.wlan[0].radio.antenna.beamWidth = 30deg
In this configuration:
The beam alignment process contains scanning the 3D space like azimuth and elevation to discover the best alignment for communication. Perform a simple beam alignment algorithm in the node’s communication stack.
Example: 3D Beam Scanning and Alignment (C++)
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/physicallayer/contract/packetlevel/IRadio.h”
#include “inet/physicallayer/analogmodel/packetlevel/ScalarTransmission.h”
#include “inet/physicallayer/antenna/SteerableAntenna.h”
void MobileNode::initialize() {
// Initial beam alignment settings
currentAzimuth = 0;
currentElevation = 0;
alignmentStep = 10; // Step size for scanning in degrees
maxAzimuth = 360; // Full circle
maxElevation = 90; // From horizon to zenith
// Start the alignment process
scheduleAt(simTime(), scanTimer);
void MobileNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg == scanTimer) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + scanInterval, scanTimer); // Continue scanning
} else {
// Handle other messages (e.g., packets)
// …
void MobileNode::performBeamAlignment() {
// Adjust azimuth and elevation
if (currentElevation >= maxElevation) {
currentAzimuth += alignmentStep;
currentElevation = 0;
} else {
currentElevation += alignmentStep;
if (currentAzimuth >= maxAzimuth) {
currentAzimuth = 0; // Reset for next round
// Set the antenna orientation
auto antenna = check_and_cast<SteerableAntenna*>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“wlan”)->getSubmodule(“radio”)->getSubmodule(“antenna”));
antenna->setOrientation(currentAzimuth, currentElevation);
EV << “Antenna adjusted to azimuth: ” << currentAzimuth << “, elevation: ” << currentElevation << “\n”;
// Measure signal quality (e.g., SNR, RSSI) and decide if this is the best alignment
double signalQuality = measureSignalQuality();
if (signalQuality > bestSignalQuality) {
bestSignalQuality = signalQuality;
bestAzimuth = currentAzimuth;
bestElevation = currentElevation;
EV << “Best alignment found at azimuth: ” << bestAzimuth << “, elevation: ” << bestElevation << “\n”;
double MobileNode::measureSignalQuality() {
// Placeholder for signal quality measurement (e.g., based on SNR or RSSI)
return uniform(0, 1); // Random value for this example
In this example:
Run the simulation and display the beam alignment process. We can track metrics like signal strength (RSSI), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and the time taken to attain optimal alignment.
Example Configuration for Recording Signal Quality Metrics:
network = BeamAlignmentNetwork
**[0].signalQuality.recordScalar = true
**[0].alignmentTime.recordScalar = true
This configuration records the signal quality and the time taken to succeed the best beam alignment.
Examine the results to determine the effectiveness of the beam alignment process, after running the simulation. Consider factors like:
We can improve the simple beam alignment algorithm with extra features like:
Example: Adaptive Scanning
void MobileNode::performBeamAlignment() {
// Adjust azimuth and elevation with adaptive step size
if (currentElevation >= maxElevation) {
currentAzimuth += alignmentStep;
currentElevation = 0;
} else {
currentElevation += alignmentStep;
if (currentAzimuth >= maxAzimuth) {
currentAzimuth = 0;
alignmentStep = alignmentStep / 2; // Reduce step size for finer adjustment
// Set the antenna orientation and measure signal quality
// …
After finishing the simulations, document the beam alignment strategy, the performance metrics, and any optimizations made. It will support in knowing the trade-offs among alignment time, signal quality, and complete network performance.
We successfully gathered the details to help you by offering the step-by-step approach on how to set up and implement network 3D Beam alignment in OMNeT++. If required, we will offer any further information of this topic including other security features.