To implement the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) routing in OMNeT++, we have to develop a routing protocol that utilizes the benefits of MIMO technology. These systems use many antennas at both the transmitter and receiver ends to optimize the communication performance. When it comes to routing, MIMO can be used to enhance link quality, raise data rates and elevate overall network throughput.
This procedure offers step-by-step guide to implementing a basic MIMO-based routing protocol in OMNeT++:
Steps to Implement MIMO Routing in OMNeT++
Example: Implementing a Basic MIMO Routing Protocol
// MIMONetwork.ned
package networkstructure;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
network MIMONetwork
node1: MIMONode {
node2: MIMONode {
node3: MIMONode {
node4: MIMONode {
node1.radioModule <–> MIMOChannel <–> node2.radioModule;
node2.radioModule <–> MIMOChannel <–> node3.radioModule;
node2.radioModule <–> MIMOChannel <–> node4.radioModule;
node3.radioModule <–> MIMOChannel <–> node4.radioModule;
Generate a C++ class for the MIMO Routing Protocol that considers MIMO-related parameters for routing decisions.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace omnetpp;
class MIMORouting : public cSimpleModule
struct MIMOLinkInfo {
int nextHop;
double snr; // Signal-to-Noise Ratio
int mimoStreams; // Number of MIMO streams
std::map<int, MIMOLinkInfo> routingTable; // Map: Destination -> MIMO Link Info
std::map<int, double> neighborSNR; // Map: Neighbor -> SNR
std::map<int, int> neighborMIMOStreams; // Map: Neighbor -> MIMO streams
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void updateRoutingTable(int destination, MIMOLinkInfo info);
int selectBestRoute(int destination);
void handlePacket(cPacket *packet);
void forwardPacket(cPacket *packet);
void MIMORouting::initialize()
// Initialize the routing table with information about direct neighbors
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“out”); i++) {
cGate *outGate = gate(“out”, i);
int neighborId = outGate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule()->getId();
double snr = outGate->getChannel()->par(“snr”).doubleValue();
int mimoStreams = outGate->getChannel()->par(“mimoStreams”).intValue();
neighborSNR[neighborId] = snr;
neighborMIMOStreams[neighborId] = mimoStreams;
MIMOLinkInfo info = {neighborId, snr, mimoStreams};
updateRoutingTable(neighborId, info);
void MIMORouting::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (cPacket *packet = dynamic_cast<cPacket *>(msg)) {
} else {
delete msg; // Delete any other message
void MIMORouting::updateRoutingTable(int destination, MIMOLinkInfo info)
routingTable[destination] = info;
int MIMORouting::selectBestRoute(int destination)
// Select the best route based on MIMO parameters (e.g., SNR, number of streams)
double bestScore = -1;
int bestNextHop = -1;
for (const auto &entry : routingTable) {
int nextHop = entry.second.nextHop;
double score = entry.second.snr * entry.second.mimoStreams; // Example scoring function
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestNextHop = nextHop;
return bestNextHop;
void MIMORouting::handlePacket(cPacket *packet)
int destination = packet->par(“destination”).intValue();
int nextHop = selectBestRoute(destination);
if (nextHop != -1) {
send(packet, “out”, nextHop);
} else {
delete packet; // Drop the packet if no route is found
Extend the node definition to attach the MIMORouting module.
simple MIMONode
input radioIn;
output radioOut;
radioModule: Radio {
routing: MIMORouting {
radioIn –>;
routing.out –> radioOut;
network = networkstructure.MIMONetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# MIMO Channel configuration
** = 20dB # Example SNR value
** = 2 # Example number of MIMO streams
# Routing configuration
**.routing.updateInterval = 5s # Time interval for updating routing table
Running the Simulation
In this given set up, we comprehensively guided you through the implementation of MIMO Routing in OMNeT++ environment. It can be accomplished using network topology where we design the routing protocol and executing the required mechanisms offered by the INET framework. We will provide any other details related to this one.
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