To implement the malware detection in OMNeT++ has required a network that is simulating a environment which can monitor and assess network traffic or system actions to identify malicious activities allied with malware. This can help in examining and assessing various malware detection methods like signature-based detection, anomaly detection, or behavior analysis. You can implement malware detection by following the instructions below:
Steps to Implement Malware Detection in OMNeT++
simple WorkstationModule
inout ethg;
simple ServerModule
inout ethg;
simple MalwareDetectorModule
inout monitorGate;
network MalwareDetectionNetwork
workstation: WorkstationModule;
server: ServerModule;
detector: MalwareDetectorModule;
switch: EthernetSwitch; // Assume you have an Ethernet switch module
workstation.ethg <–> switch.ethg[0];
server.ethg <–> switch.ethg[1];
switch.ethg[2] –> detector.monitorGate; // Mirror traffic to the malware detector
class WorkstationModule : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start generating traffic
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startTime”), new cMessage(“generateTraffic”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “generateTraffic”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“interval”), msg); // Reschedule
} else {
// Handle incoming traffic
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
// Process the packet
delete pkt;
void generateTraffic() {
// Generate normal traffic
cPacket *normalPkt = new cPacket(“normalTraffic”);
send(normalPkt, “ethg$o”);
// Simulate malicious traffic
if (uniform(0, 1) < par(“maliciousProbability”)) {
cPacket *maliciousPkt = new cPacket(“maliciousTraffic”);
maliciousPkt->addPar(“isMalicious”) = true;
send(maliciousPkt, “ethg$o”);
EV << “Simulating malware activity” << endl;
class MalwareDetectorModule : public cSimpleModule {
int malwareDetections = 0;
int falsePositives = 0;
int falseNegatives = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
if (detectMalware(pkt)) {
EV << “Malware detected in packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
} else if (pkt->par(“isMalicious”).boolValue()) {
EV << “Missed detection of malware in packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
} else {
EV << “False positive detected in packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
delete pkt; // Clean up the packet
bool detectMalware(cPacket *pkt) {
// Implement detection logic, e.g., signature matching or anomaly detection
if (strcmp(pkt->getName(), “maliciousTraffic”) == 0) {
return true; // Simple signature-based detection
// Add more sophisticated detection logic here
return false;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record the detection performance
recordScalar(“Malware Detections”, malwareDetections);
recordScalar(“False Positives”, falsePositives);
recordScalar(“False Negatives”, falseNegatives);
EV << “Malware Detections: ” << malwareDetections << endl;
EV << “False Positives: ” << falsePositives << endl;
EV << “False Negatives: ” << falseNegatives << endl;
virtual void finish() override {
// Output statistics
EV << “Total Malware Detections: ” << malwareDetections << endl;
EV << “Total False Positives: ” << falsePositives << endl;
EV << “Total False Negatives: ” << falseNegatives << endl;
In conclusion, we comprehensively gathered the essential details on how to simulate the network, how to implement Malware Detection in OMNeT++ and how to optimize the accuracy of this detection using this demonstration.
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