To implement the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) satellite communication in OMNeT++, we have to simulate the communication amongst devices through satellite networks, usually in remote or inaccessible areas. It is vital for IoT application in which devices need to transfer data over long distances deprived intrusion. Follow the below demonstration to implement it in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example: M2M Device Module
simple M2MDevice {
inout satLink; // For communication with satellites
Example: Satellite Module
simple Satellite {
inout m2mIn[4]; // For communication with M2M devices (up to 4 for simplicity)
inout groundIn; // For communication with ground stations
double altitude @unit(“km”) = default(500); // Satellite altitude
double speed @unit(“km/s”) = default(7.8); // Orbital speed
Example: Communication Link Module
simple CommunicationLink {
double distance @unit(“km”) = default(1000); // Distance between devices/satellites
double dataRate @unit(“Mbps”) = default(1); // Data rate of the communication link
double latency @unit(“ms”) = default(50); // Latency for the signal to travel the distance
in linkIn; // Input from one device/satellite
out linkOut; // Output to another device/satellite
Example: M2M Device Logic in C++
#include <omnetpp.h>
class M2MDevice : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void M2MDevice::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “satData”) == 0) {
// Process incoming data from satellite
EV << “Received data from satellite.\n”;
} else {
// Send data to satellite
send(msg, “satLink$o”);
Example: Satellite Logic in C++
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Satellite : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
virtual void initialize() override;
void updatePosition(); // Method to update satellite position in orbit
double altitude;
double speed;
void Satellite::initialize() {
altitude = par(“altitude”);
speed = par(“speed”);
// Schedule the first position update
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, new cMessage(“updatePosition”));
void Satellite::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “updatePosition”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, msg); // Schedule the next position update
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “m2mData”) == 0) {
// Relay data to another M2M device or ground station
send(msg, “m2mIn$o”, 0); // Example: forward to the first connected device
} else {
// Handle other types of messages, if any
void Satellite::updatePosition() {
// Logic to update the satellite’s position based on orbital mechanics
// This could involve changing altitude, calculating new positions, etc.
EV << “Satellite position updated.\n”;
Example: Communication Link Logic in C++
#include <omnetpp.h>
class CommunicationLink : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
virtual void initialize() override;
double distance;
double dataRate;
double latency;
void CommunicationLink::initialize() {
distance = par(“distance”);
dataRate = par(“dataRate”);
latency = par(“latency”);
void CommunicationLink::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
// Simulate transmission delay based on distance and latency
sendDelayed(msg, latency, “linkOut”);
Example: M2M Satellite Network Topology in NED
network M2MSatelliteNetwork {
m2mDeviceA: M2MDevice;
m2mDeviceB: M2MDevice;
satellite: Satellite {
altitude = 500;
speed = 7.8;
linkAB: CommunicationLink {
distance = 1000; // Distance between m2mDeviceA and satellite
dataRate = 1Mbps;
latency = 50ms;
linkBS: CommunicationLink {
distance = 1000; // Distance between satellite and m2mDeviceB
dataRate = 1Mbps;
latency = 50ms;
connections allowunconnected:
m2mDeviceA.satLink –> linkAB.linkIn;
linkAB.linkOut –> satellite.m2mIn[0];
satellite.m2mIn[1] –> linkBS.linkIn;
linkBS.linkOut –> m2mDeviceB.satLink;
Example: Dynamic Topology and Adaptive Routing
Example: Adaptive Routing Logic in Satellite
void Satellite::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “updatePosition”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, msg); // Schedule the next position update
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “m2mData”) == 0) {
// Implement adaptive routing logic to choose the best path
int nextHop = 0; // Example: determine next hop based on current topology
send(msg, “m2mIn$o”, nextHop);
} else {
// Handle other types of messages, if any
Overall, we provided the complete structure like define the architecture, generating modules for M2M Devices, Satellites, and Links and configuring logic for each of them to implement the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Satellite Communication in OMNeT++. We also deliver the sample snippet to help you in this set up.
At, we provide top-notch support for network performance analysis. If you are seeking enhanced M2M satellite communication topics for your OMNeT++ thesis, we are here to assist you with implementation guidance.