To implement the LTE (Long-Term Evolution) in OMNeT++ needs an simulation environment which has LTE nodes, defining network models, and configuring LTE-specific communication protocols. Follow the provided step-by-step on how to implement LTE:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Install OMNeT++, INET Framework, and SimuLTE
Step 2: Set Up Your Project
Step 3: Define LTE Network Models Using NED
package lte;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.mobility.single.RandomWaypointMobility;
import inet.physicallayer.common.packetlevel.RadioMedium;
import “simulte/networknodes/epc/Epc.enet”;
import “simulte/networknodes/enb/Enb.enet”;
import “simulte/networknodes/ue/SingleUe.ned”;
network LteNetwork
int numUes = default(5);
channel radioChannel extends RadioMedium {}
epc: Epc {
enb: Enb {
ue[numUes]: SingleUe {
mobility.typename = “RandomWaypointMobility”;
radioMedium: radioChannel {
connections allowunconnected:
for i=0..numUes-1 {
ue[i].pppg++ <–> radioMedium <–> enb.pppg++;
enb.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> epc.ethg++;
Step 4: Implement LTE Communication Logic
Step 5: Configure Simulation Parameters
network = LteNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Mobility
**.ue[*].mobility.bounds = “0,0,1000,1000”
**.ue[*].mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 10mps)
# EPC Configuration
**.epc.nrAndConnect = true
# eNodeB Configuration
**.enb.numUes = ${numUes=5}
**.enb.numBearers = 1
**.enb.dlEarfcn = 100
**.enb.ulEarfcn = 18100
# UE Configuration
**.ue[*].ulEarfcn = 18100
**.ue[*].dlEarfcn = 100
**.ue[*].numBearers = 1
Step 6: Build and Run the Simulation
Step 7: Analyze Results
Finally, we accomplished script for you to use the SimuLTE framework, which is an extension of the INET framework and know more about how the LTE works in OMNeT++. If you need any information about LTE or their frameworks, we will guide you.
For exceptional simulation and implementation of LTE in OMNeT++ contact us. We’re ready to help you establish LTE nodes, create network models, and set up LTE-specific communication protocols tailored to your projects.