To implement the logical topology in OMNeT++ requires a network in which the logic connections amongst nodes are stated independently of the physical connections by creating it. Logic topologies signify how data flows amongst devices that will differ from the physical layout. For instance, in physical bus topology, the logical topology can be a ring or star based on how the network protocols routing traffic. In below, we provided the implementation details of Logical topology:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
package logicalTopologyExample;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
network PhysicalNetwork
int numNodes = default(6); // Number of nodes in the physical network
router[numNodes]: Router {
node[numNodes]: StandardHost {
connections allowunconnected:
// Connect each node to its corresponding router
for i=0..numNodes-1 {
node[i].ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> router[i].ethg++;
// Create a physical backbone by connecting routers
for i=0..numNodes-2 {
router[i].ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> router[i+1].ethg++;
router[numNodes-1].ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> router[0].ethg++;
network LogicalTopology extends PhysicalNetwork
// Logical connections between nodes (can represent a logical star, ring, etc.)
node[0].pppg++ <–> Ppp <–> node[3].pppg++;
node[1].pppg++ <–> Ppp <–> node[4].pppg++;
node[2].pppg++ <–> Ppp <–> node[5].pppg++;
node[0].pppg++ <–> Ppp <–> node[5].pppg++;
network = logicalTopologyExample.LogicalTopology
# Configure IP addresses
*.router[*].ipv4.arp.typename = “GlobalArp”
*.node[*].ipv4.arp.typename = “GlobalArp”
*.node[*].ppp[0].ipv4.address = “10.0.0.x”
*.node[*].ppp[0].ipv4.netmask = “”
# Example application setup: node[0] communicates with node[3] via logical connection
*.node[0].numApps = 1
*.node[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.node[0].app[0].destAddresses = “” # IP address of node[3]
*.node[0].app[0].destPort = 5000
*.node[0].app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.node[0].app[0].sendInterval = 1s
*.node[3].numApps = 1
*.node[3].app[0].typename = “UdpSink”
*.node[3].app[0].localPort = 5000
*.router[*].hasOspf = true
*.node[*].hasOspf = true
Example Files
At the end, we were completely aware of when to implement the Logical topology with the help of Physical Topology in the OMNeT++ through this demonstration.
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