To implement the lightweight cryptography in OMNeT++, we need to generate a simulation environment in which the network nodes use algorithms enhanced for efficiency, minimal resource usage, and fast processing times. This cryptography is specifically helpful in resource-constrained environments like IoT devices, where traditional cryptographic methods may be too resource-intensive. Below, we provided the step-by-step approach to implement it:
Steps to Implement Lightweight Cryptography in OMNeT++
Begin by stating a simple network topology where nodes will interact securely using lightweight cryptographic algorithms. The topology might contain:
Network Topology Setup:
Describe the basic modules for the network:
simple ClientNode
inout ethg;
simple ServerNode
inout ethg;
simple IntermediaryNode
inout ethg[2]; // Assume a node with multiple connections
network LightweightCryptoNetwork
client: ClientNode;
server: ServerNode;
intermediary: IntermediaryNode;
client.ethg <–> intermediary.ethg[0];
intermediary.ethg[1] <–> server.ethg;
Choose an appropriate lightweight cryptographic algorithm depends on the requirements. Sample of lightweight algorithms contain:
For simplicity, we’ll use a basic example inspired by a lightweight block cipher.
The client node will generate data, with the help of lightweight cryptographic algorithm, it encrypt and send it to the server.
Client Node Encryption Logic:
class ClientNode : public cSimpleModule {
std::string key = “lightweightkey”; // Symmetric key for encryption
virtual void initialize() override {
// Generate and encrypt data
std::string data = “SensitiveData”;
std::string encryptedData = encryptData(data, key);
// Send encrypted data to the server
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Handle incoming messages (if any)
std::string encryptData(const std::string &data, const std::string &key) {
// Simple XOR-based lightweight encryption (for demonstration)
std::string encryptedData = data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
encryptedData[i] ^= key[i % key.size()];
return encryptedData;
void sendData(const std::string &encryptedData) {
cPacket *dataPacket = new cPacket(“EncryptedData”);
dataPacket->addPar(“data”) = encryptedData;
send(dataPacket, “ethg$o”);
EV << “Client sent encrypted data: ” << encryptedData << endl;
Use lightweight cryptographic algorithm, due to the server node will receive the encrypted data and decrypt it.
Server Node Decryption Logic:
class ServerNode : public cSimpleModule {
std::string key = “lightweightkey”; // Symmetric key for decryption
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
std::string encryptedData = pkt->par(“data”).stringValue();
// Decrypt the received data
std::string decryptedData = decryptData(encryptedData, key);
EV << “Server received and decrypted data: ” << decryptedData << endl;
delete pkt;
std::string decryptData(const std::string &data, const std::string &key) {
// Simple XOR-based lightweight decryption (same as encryption)
std::string decryptedData = data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
decryptedData[i] ^= key[i % key.size()];
return decryptedData;
Run simulations to assess the performance and precision of the lightweight cryptography Execution:
To further optimize the implementation:
We had successfully helped you to implement the Lightweight Cryptography in OMNeT++ and how to execute the algorithms and what are the requirements needed to implement them, make sure to follow the offered demonstration. If you have any queries or concerns, we will guide you.We are dedicated to offering you exceptional guidance and project assistance for the implementation of Lightweight Cryptography within the OMNeT++ program