To implement the IMAP is Internet Message Access Protocol and POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) email protocols in OMNeT++ encompasses creating simulation models in the clients (Mail User Agents – MUAs) interact with mail servers (Mail Transfer Agents – MTAs) to retrieve emails. Needs to manage connection setup, data retrieval, command execution and connection closure. Through the ICP/IP operated by both IMAP and POP3.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Step 1: Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
Step 3: Understand IMAP and POP3 Basics
It is important to understand the core concepts of IMAP and POP3 before proceeding with the implementation:
Step 4: Define the Network Topology in OMNeT++
network EmailProtocolsNetwork
client: StandardHost;
imapServer: StandardHost;
pop3Server: StandardHost;
router: Router;
client.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router.ethg++;
router.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> imapServer.ethg++;
router.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> pop3Server.ethg++;
Step 5: Implement IMAP and POP3 Protocols
Example (in NED):
simple IMAPClient
inout tcpIn;
inout tcpOut;
simple IMAPServer
inout tcpIn;
inout tcpOut;
simple POP3Client
inout tcpIn;
inout tcpOut;
simple POP3Server
inout tcpIn;
inout tcpOut;
Example (in C++):
void IMAPClient::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
} else if (msg->arrivedOn(“tcpIn”)) {
void IMAPClient::initiateConnection() {
TCPSocket *socket = new TCPSocket();
socket->setCallbackObject(this, nullptr);
socket->connect(IPAddressResolver().resolve(“imapServer”), 143); // Port 143 for IMAP
void IMAPClient::handleServerResponse(cMessage *msg) {
TCPSegment *tcpSegment = check_and_cast<TCPSegment *>(msg);
if (tcpSegment->getPayload()) {
std::string response = tcpSegment->getPayload()->str();
// Handle the server’s response, send commands such as LOGIN, LIST, FETCH
Example (in C++):
void IMAPServer::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->arrivedOn(“tcpIn”)) {
void IMAPServer::handleClientRequest(cMessage *msg) {
TCPSegment *tcpSegment = check_and_cast<TCPSegment *>(msg);
std::string request = tcpSegment->getPayload()->str();
if (request.find(“LOGIN”) != std::string::npos) {
sendResponse(“OK LOGIN completed”);
} else if (request.find(“LIST”) != std::string::npos) {
// Handle LIST and send mailbox info
} else if (request.find(“FETCH”) != std::string::npos) {
// Handle FETCH and send the email content
void IMAPServer::sendResponse(const std::string &message) {
TCPSegment *responseSegment = new TCPSegment();
send(responseSegment, “tcpOut”);
Example (in C++):
void POP3Client::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
} else if (msg->arrivedOn(“tcpIn”)) {
void POP3Client::initiateConnection() {
TCPSocket *socket = new TCPSocket();
socket->setCallbackObject(this, nullptr);
socket->connect(IPAddressResolver().resolve(“pop3Server”), 110); // Port 110 for POP3
void POP3Client::handleServerResponse(cMessage *msg) {
TCPSegment *tcpSegment = check_and_cast<TCPSegment *>(msg);
if (tcpSegment->getPayload()) {
std::string response = tcpSegment->getPayload()->str();
// Handle the server’s response, send commands such as USER, PASS, LIST, RETR
Example (in C++):
void POP3Server::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->arrivedOn(“tcpIn”)) {
void POP3Server::handleClientRequest(cMessage *msg) {
TCPSegment *tcpSegment = check_and_cast<TCPSegment *>(msg);
std::string request = tcpSegment->getPayload()->str();
if (request.find(“USER”) != std::string::npos) {
sendResponse(“+OK User accepted”);
} else if (request.find(“PASS”) != std::string::npos) {
sendResponse(“+OK Password accepted”);
} else if (request.find(“LIST”) != std::string::npos) {
// Handle LIST and send message numbers and sizes
} else if (request.find(“RETR”) != std::string::npos) {
// Handle RETR and send the email content
void POP3Server::sendResponse(const std::string &message) {
TCPSegment *responseSegment = new TCPSegment();
send(responseSegment, “tcpOut”);
Step 6: Configure the Simulation
network = EmailProtocolsNetwork
*.client.numTcpApps = 2
*.client.tcpApp[0].typename = “TCPGenericCliApp”
*.client.tcpApp[0].localPort = -1
*.client.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = “imapServer”
*.client.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 143
*.client.tcpApp[1].typename = “TCPGenericCliApp”
*.client.tcpApp[1].localPort = -1
*.client.tcpApp[1].connectAddress = “pop3Server”
*.client.tcpApp[1].connectPort = 110
*.imapServer.numTcpApps = 1
*.imapServer.tcpApp[0].typename = “TCPGenericSrvApp”
*.imapServer.tcpApp[0].localPort = 143
*.pop3Server.numTcpApps = 1
*.pop3Server.tcpApp[0].typename = “TCPGenericSrvApp”
*.pop3Server.tcpApp[0].localPort = 110
Step 7: Simulate and Test IMAP and POP3
Step 8: Refine and Extend
This study concludes that a greater amount of information on execute the IMAP POP3 Email protocols is crucial for effectively utilizing OMNeT++ tool. More comprehensive details will be given in accordance with your needs. We’ve got everything you need to work with Internet Message Access Protocol and POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) email protocols in OMNeT++. Stick with us for more research guidance we assist you in simulation guidance.