To implement the heterogeneous satellite network in OMNeT++ which encompasses the network simulation composed of various kinds of satellites (e.g., Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), and Geostationary Orbit (GEO)) that interact with one another and with ground stations. All kind of satellite has distinct properties like altitude, speed and communication capabilities which impact the entire network actions. We offered the details on how you can implement a heterogeneous satellite network in OMNeT++ with examples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
LEO Satellite Module
simple LEOSatellite {
inout linkIn[4]; // For communication with other satellites (ISLs)
inout groundLink; // For communication with ground stations
double altitude @unit(“km”) = default(500); // LEO satellite altitude
double speed @unit(“km/s”) = default(7.8); // Orbital speed
MEO Satellite Module
simple MEOSatellite {
inout linkIn[4]; // For communication with other satellites (ISLs)
inout groundLink; // For communication with ground stations
double altitude @unit(“km”) = default(20000); // MEO satellite altitude
double speed @unit(“km/s”) = default(3.0); // Orbital speed
GEO Satellite Module
simple GEOSatellite {
inout linkIn[4]; // For communication with other satellites (ISLs)
inout groundLink; // For communication with ground stations
double altitude @unit(“km”) = default(35786); // GEO satellite altitude
double speed @unit(“km/s”) = default(0.0); // Geostationary orbit (no speed relative to Earth)
Ground Station Module
simple GroundStation {
inout groundOut; // For communication with satellites
Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) Module
simple InterSatelliteLink {
double distance @unit(“km”) = default(1000); // Distance between satellites
double dataRate @unit(“Gbps”) = default(10); // Data rate of the ISL
double latency @unit(“ms”) = default(5); // Latency for the signal to travel the distance
in linkIn; // Input from one satellite
out linkOut; // Output to another satellite
Satellite-to-Ground Link Module
simple SatToGroundLink {
double distance @unit(“km”) = default(500); // Distance from satellite to ground station
double dataRate @unit(“Gbps”) = default(10); // Data rate of the link
double latency @unit(“ms”) = default(2); // Latency for the signal to travel the distance
in linkIn; // Input from satellite
out linkOut; // Output to ground station
Satellite Logic in C++
This logic is applicable to all kinds of satellites (LEO, MEO, GEO), with slight modifications based on their certain characteristics.
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Satellite : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
virtual void initialize() override;
void updatePosition(); // Method to update satellite position in orbit
double altitude;
double speed;
void Satellite::initialize() {
altitude = par(“altitude”);
speed = par(“speed”);
// Schedule the first position update
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, new cMessage(“updatePosition”));
void Satellite::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “updatePosition”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, msg); // Schedule the next position update
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “satelliteData”) == 0) {
// Relay data to another satellite or ground station
int outGateIndex = 0; // Example: forward to the first connected device
send(msg, “linkIn$o”, outGateIndex);
} else {
// Handle other types of messages, if any
void Satellite::updatePosition() {
// Logic to update the satellite’s position based on orbital mechanics
EV << “Satellite position updated.\n”;
Heterogeneous Satellite Network Topology
This sample links LEO, MEO, and GEO satellites with each other and with ground stations.
network HeterogeneousSatelliteNetwork {
leoSatelliteA: LEOSatellite {
altitude = 500;
speed = 7.8;
meoSatelliteA: MEOSatellite {
altitude = 20000;
speed = 3.0;
geoSatelliteA: GEOSatellite {
altitude = 35786;
speed = 0.0;
groundStation: GroundStation;
linkLeoMEO: InterSatelliteLink {
distance = 15000; // Distance between LEO and MEO satellite
dataRate = 10Gbps;
latency = 50ms;
linkMEOGEO: InterSatelliteLink {
distance = 20000; // Distance between MEO and GEO satellite
dataRate = 10Gbps;
latency = 50ms;
linkLEOGround: SatToGroundLink {
distance = 500; // Distance between LEO satellite and ground station
dataRate = 10Gbps;
latency = 10ms;
linkGEOGround: SatToGroundLink {
distance = 35786; // Distance between GEO satellite and ground station
dataRate = 10Gbps;
latency = 100ms;
connections allowunconnected:
leoSatelliteA.linkIn[0] –> linkLeoMEO.linkIn;
linkLeoMEO.linkOut –> meoSatelliteA.linkIn[0];
meoSatelliteA.linkIn[1] –> linkMEOGEO.linkIn;
linkMEOGEO.linkOut –> geoSatelliteA.linkIn[0];
geoSatelliteA.groundLink –> linkGEOGround.linkIn;
linkGEOGround.linkOut –> groundStation.groundOut;
leoSatelliteA.groundLink –> linkLEOGround.linkIn;
linkLEOGround.linkOut –> groundStation.groundOut;
In conclusion, we start by defining the network topology and then configuring LEO, MEO and GEO modules and then connect the satellite to the ground station. With the help of this process, we can now implement the Heterogeneous satellite in OMNeT++. We will offer any additional details relevant to this topic, if needed.
More ideas on Heterogeneous satellites for your OMNeT++ thesis are shared by us, we can help you with the implementation! Just reach out to us for the best results and support with performance analysis. We specialize in different types of satellites, including Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), and Geostationary Orbit (GEO).