To implement the Green Networking in OMNeT++ encompasses planning and put on network protocols and formations that purpose to decrease energy consumption and increase the energy proficiency. It is through the modelling energy-aware network components and protocols. Given below is an implementations steps to the way that method:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
The purpose of the Green Networking in the networking infrastructure to reduce energy consumption. It can be reached over techniques like energy-efficient routing, efficient resource allocation, sleep modes for network devices, and adaptive link rates.
Make sure the OMNeT++ and the INET Framework is installed.
To make a new NED file to define the network topology, containing nodes and routers.
Example: Green Networking Topology (GreenNetwork.ned)
package greennetworking;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
network GreenNetwork
node1: StandardHost {
node2: StandardHost {
router: Router {
node1.ethg++ <–> Eth10M <–> router.ethg++;
node2.ethg++ <–> Eth10M <–> router.ethg++;
To innovate an OMNeT++ initialization file to configure the constraints of the simulation.
Example: Configuration File (omnetpp.ini)
network = greennetworking.GreenNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Visualization
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayBackground = true
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayGrid = true
# Host Configuration
*.node*.numApps = 1
*.node*.app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.node*.app[0].destAddresses = “router”
*.node*.app[0].destPort = 5000
*.node*.app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.node*.app[0].sendInterval = 1s
# Router Configuration
*.router.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “UdpSink”
*[0].localPort = 5000
# UDP Configuration
*.node*.hasUdp = true
*.router.hasUdp = true
# IP Address Configuration
*.node1.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“node1.xml”)
*.node2.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“node2.xml”)
*.router.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“router.xml”)
To build the IP address configuration for every node to make Create XML files.
Example: IP Configuration File for node1 (node1.xml)
Example: IP Configuration File for node2 (node2.xml)
Example: IP Configuration File for router (router.xml)
To implement the energy-aware components and protocols for simulate the green network. Like to build the modules that simulate energy consumption and put into the action in energy-saving techniques.
Example: Energy-Aware Node (Pseudo-Code)
class EnergyAwareNode : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
virtual void finish() override;
double energyConsumed;
void saveEnergy();
void EnergyAwareNode::initialize() {
// Initialization code
energyConsumed = 0;
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, new cMessage(“saveEnergy”));
void EnergyAwareNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “saveEnergy”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, msg);
} else {
// Handle other messages
void EnergyAwareNode::saveEnergy() {
// Logic to save energy
energyConsumed += 0.1; // Example energy consumption
void EnergyAwareNode::finish() {
// Record energy consumption
recordScalar(“EnergyConsumed”, energyConsumed);
To fix the parameters related to savings and energy consumption in the configuration file.
Example: Configuration File with Energy Parameters (omnetpp.ini)
network = greennetworking.GreenNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Visualization
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayBackground = true
*.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.displayGrid = true
# Host Configuration
*.node*.numApps = 1
*.node*.app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.node*.app[0].destAddresses = “router”
*.node*.app[0].destPort = 5000
*.node*.app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.node*.app[0].sendInterval = 1s
# Router Configuration
*.router.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “UdpSink”
*[0].localPort = 5000
# UDP Configuration
*.node*.hasUdp = true
*.router.hasUdp = true
# Energy Parameters
*.node*.energyConsumption = 0.1 # Energy consumed per packet (in arbitrary units)
*.node*.energySavingMode = true # Enable energy saving mode
# IP Address Configuration
*.node1.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“node1.xml”)
*.node2.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“node2.xml”)
*.router.ipv4.config = xmldoc(“router.xml”)
We declare that to build a fresh OMNeT++ projects, to execute energy aware components, and plenty examples to execute the Green Networking in OMNeT++.We have implemented Green Networking in the OMNeT++ program for your projects. Feel free to reach out to us for guidance, and we’ll help you achieve the best simulation results.