To implement a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack in OMNeT++ requires a network simulation that replicates the characteristics of DDoS attack and its influence on the network by creating one. Below, we offered the step-by-step approach to implement it:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
network DDoSNetwork
server: StandardHost;
attacker1: StandardHost;
attacker2: StandardHost;
router: Router;
attacker1.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> router.ethg++;
attacker2.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> router.ethg++;
router.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> server.ethg++;
*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*[0].destAddress = “server”
*[0].destPort = 80
*[0].messageLength = 1024
*[0].sendInterval = exponential(0.01s)
*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*[0].destAddress = “server”
*[0].destPort = 80
*[0].messageLength = 1024
*[0].sendInterval = exponential(0.01s)
*[0].typename = “UdpSink”
*[0].localPort = 80
Example Files
We might create the following files as part of the simulation:
Finally, this demonstration gives you the general steps create a simulation which help us to implement the DDoS attack in the OMNeT++ environment. If you have any queries about this approach, we will guide you.
The developers at provide comprehensive implementation and simulation support for all DDoS attacks within the OMNeT++ tool. We are dedicated to assisting you with DDoS attack aspects related to your project. Please feel free to reach out to us for further guidance and project ideas in this domain.