To implement the Data Link Layer (DLL) in OMNeT++, we have to create a module that handles the data link features like framing, error detection, flow control, and possibly Medium Access Control (MAC). The Data Link Layer is accountable for node-to-node data transfer and operates amongst the physical layer and the network layer.
Here’s an entire implementation procedure of DLL:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up OMNeT++ and INET Framework
Step 2: Create a New OMNeT++ Project
Step 3: Define the Network Topology
network DataLinkLayerNetwork
int numNodes = default(2); // Number of nodes in the network
node[numNodes]: CustomNode {
connections allowunconnected:
node[0].linkLayer++ <–> node[1].linkLayer++;
Step 4: Implement the Custom Data Link Layer
Example (in NED):
module CustomDataLinkLayer
input upperLayerIn; // From network layer (e.g., IP)
output upperLayerOut; // To network layer (e.g., IP)
input lowerLayerIn; // From physical layer (e.g., Ethernet)
output lowerLayerOut; // To physical layer (e.g., Ethernet)
Here’s a basic structure for implementing a custom Data Link Layer in C++:
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
#include “inet/linklayer/contract/ILinkLayer.h”
#include “inet/linklayer/common/MACAddress.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/contract/IInterfaceTable.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/common/L3Address.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4InterfaceData.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/common/InterfaceTable.h”
#include “inet/linklayer/common/Ieee802Ctrl.h”
class CustomDataLinkLayer : public cSimpleModule, public inet::ILinkLayer
inet::MACAddress myMACAddress;
inet::InterfaceEntry *interfaceEntry;
inet::InterfaceTable *interfaceTable;
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
// Data Link Layer functionalities
void processUpperLayerPacket(Packet *packet);
void processLowerLayerPacket(Packet *packet);
void addMACHeader(Packet *packet);
void checkCRC(Packet *packet);
void handleCollisions(Packet *packet);
void CustomDataLinkLayer::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == inet::INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
interfaceTable = getModuleFromPar<inet::InterfaceTable>(par(“interfaceTableModule”), this);
interfaceEntry = new inet::InterfaceEntry(this);
// Set up interface attributes (e.g., MTU, MAC address)
void CustomDataLinkLayer::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
Packet *packet = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
if (msg->arrivedOn(“upperLayerIn”)) {
} else {
void CustomDataLinkLayer::processUpperLayerPacket(Packet *packet) {
// Handle packet coming from the network layer
send(packet, “lowerLayerOut”);
void CustomDataLinkLayer::processLowerLayerPacket(Packet *packet) {
// Handle packet received from the physical layer
send(packet, “upperLayerOut”);
void CustomDataLinkLayer::addMACHeader(Packet *packet) {
// Add MAC header to the packet
auto macHeader = makeShared<inet::Ieee802Ctrl>();
void CustomDataLinkLayer::checkCRC(Packet *packet) {
// Implement CRC checking
// If CRC is invalid, drop the packet
bool crcValid = true; // Placeholder for CRC checking logic
if (!crcValid) {
delete packet;
void CustomDataLinkLayer::handleCollisions(Packet *packet) {
// Handle packet collisions if necessary (e.g., for CSMA/CD)
// This function would contain logic for collision detection and resolution
Step 5: Integrate the Custom Data Link Layer into a Node
You need to incorporate the custom Data Link Layer into a node. For instance, you can create a CustomNode module that has the Data Link Layer together with the Network and Physical Layers.
Example (in NED):
module CustomNode
linkLayer: CustomDataLinkLayer {
networkLayer: Ipv4NetworkLayer {
physicalLayer: PhysicalLayer {
connections allowunconnected:
linkLayer.upperLayerOut –> networkLayer.lowerLayerIn;
networkLayer.lowerLayerOut –> linkLayer.upperLayerIn;
linkLayer.lowerLayerOut –> physicalLayer.upperLayerIn;
physicalLayer.upperLayerOut –> linkLayer.lowerLayerIn;
Step 6: Configure the Simulation
network = DataLinkLayerNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.scalar-recording = true
**.vector-recording = true
Step 7: Analyze the Results
Step 8: Optimize and Extend the Data Link Layer
This procedure will walk you through the whole installation and implementation process of Data link layer in the OMNeT++ environment. We will also offer the extra information on data link layer or their framework execution for further references be in touch with us for best project performance results. If you want to execute Data link layer in the OMNeT++ tool then be in touch with us.