To implement the Consensus Protocol in OMNeT++, we have to simulate a network which contains multiple nodes that must decide on a certain value, state, or decision, usually used in dispersed systems like blockchain, scattered databases, and fault-tolerant systems. This protocol makes sure that even when some nodes fail or behaves maliciously, the proper consensus is still reached. Follow the step-by-step approach provided in the below:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Begin by generating a network topology that has multiple nodes which will participate in the consensus protocol. It indicates servers in a dispersed system, nodes in a blockchain network, or other entities needing consensus.
Example NED File (ConsensusNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
network ConsensusNetwork
int numNodes = default(5); // Number of nodes in the network
node[numNodes]: StandardHost {
router: Router {
connections allowunconnected:
for i = 0..numNodes-1 {
node[i].ethg++ <–> ethernetLine <–> router.ethg++;
In this sample:
Simulate a simple consensus mechanism like Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), Paxos, or Proof of Work (PoW) by generating a custom consensus protocol.
Example: Basic Consensus Protocol (ConsensusProtocol.ned)
package mynetwork;
import inet.applications.base.ApplicationBase;
simple ConsensusProtocol extends ApplicationBase
input upperLayerIn;
output upperLayerOut;
input lowerLayerIn;
output lowerLayerOut;
} (Basic Implementation)
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h”
#include <map>
void ConsensusProtocol::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
consensusTimer = new cMessage(“consensusTimer”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startDelay”).doubleValue(), consensusTimer);
valueToPropose = par(“valueToPropose”).intValue();
void ConsensusProtocol::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg == consensusTimer) {
} else if (msg->getArrivalGate() == lowerLayerIn) {
void ConsensusProtocol::initiateConsensus() {
EV << “Node ” << getParentModule()->getIndex() << ” initiating consensus with value: ” << valueToPropose << “\n”;
// Send proposed value to all other nodes
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“lowerLayerOut”); i++) {
cMessage *proposalMsg = new cMessage(“ConsensusProposal”);
proposalMsg->addPar(“value”) = valueToPropose;
send(proposalMsg, “lowerLayerOut”, i);
void ConsensusProtocol::handleConsensusMessage(cMessage *msg) {
int receivedValue = msg->par(“value”);
EV << “Node ” << getParentModule()->getIndex() << ” received proposed value: ” << receivedValue << “\n”;
// Simulate voting or consensus logic
delete msg;
// Check if consensus is reached
if (consensusVotes[receivedValue] > (gateSize(“lowerLayerOut”) / 2)) {
EV << “Consensus reached on value: ” << receivedValue << “\n”;
void ConsensusProtocol::finish() {
In this instance:
Use custom consensus protocol by configuring the simulation in the omnetpp.ini file.
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = ConsensusNetwork
**.node[*].applications[0].typename = “ConsensusProtocol”
**.node[*].applications[0].startDelay = 10s # Delay before starting consensus
**.node[*].applications[0].valueToPropose = 42 # Value to propose for consensus
Run the simulation and see how the nodes start the consensus process, broadcast their proposed values, and reach consensus. The logs should signify when consensus is reached and on which value.
After running the simulation, analyze how the consensus process clarifies:
You can extend the basic consensus protocol with more advanced features like:
Example: Adding Fault Tolerance (Byzantine Fault Tolerance)
void ConsensusProtocol::handleConsensusMessage(cMessage *msg) {
int receivedValue = msg->par(“value”);
EV << “Node ” << getParentModule()->getIndex() << ” received proposed value: ” << receivedValue << “\n”;
// Simulate Byzantine behavior (e.g., a node could send conflicting values)
if (uniform(0, 1) < 0.1) { // 10% chance of Byzantine fault
receivedValue = intuniform(0, 100); // Random conflicting value
EV << “Byzantine node! Sending conflicting value: ” << receivedValue << “\n”;
delete msg;
// Check if consensus is reached
if (consensusVotes[receivedValue] > (gateSize(“lowerLayerOut”) / 2)) {
EV << “Consensus reached on value: ” << receivedValue << “\n”;
At the end, we completely focused on the implementation and execution of the consensus protocol in the simulation network using OMNeT++ tool and can also know, how to analyze the results for the optimization purposes. If you need help with implementation and simulation results for the Consensus Protocol in OMNeT++, just reach out to the team at We’re here to provide you with quick support!