To implement the Cloud Radio Access Network (Cloud-RAN or C-RAN) in OMNeT++ needs an environment in which the models are the centralized architecture of C-RAN by simulating it. This includes generating a centralized baseband unit (BBU) pool, remote radio heads (RRHs), and the fronthaul network connecting them. To support the C-RAN architecture, we have to extend the INET framework. Here’s a step-by-step implementation of Cloud RAN in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework
Step 2: Set Up Your Project
Step 3: Define C-RAN Models Using NED
package cran;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.node.ethernet.EtherSwitch;
import inet.physicallayer.common.packetlevel.RadioMedium;
import inet.mobility.single.RandomWaypointMobility;
network CRANNetwork
int numRRHs = default(5);
int numUEs = default(10);
radioMedium: RadioMedium {
bbuPool: Router {
rrh[numRRHs]: StandardHost {
ue[numUEs]: StandardHost {
mobility.typename = “RandomWaypointMobility”;
switch: EtherSwitch {
connections allowunconnected:
bbuPool.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> switch.ethg++;
for i=0..numRRHs-1 {
rrh[i].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> switch.ethg++;
for i=0..numUEs-1 {
ue[i].wlan[0] <–> radioMedium <–> rrh[i % numRRHs].wlan[0];
Step 4: Implement C-RAN Communication Logic
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class BBUPool : public ApplicationBase
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void processFronthaul(Packet *pkt);
void BBUPool::initialize(int stage)
void BBUPool::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg)
Packet *pkt = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
void BBUPool::processFronthaul(Packet *pkt)
// Process fronthaul data coming from RRHs
EV << “Processing fronthaul data: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
// Implement processing logic here
delete pkt;
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class RRH : public ApplicationBase
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendFronthaulData();
void handleUEPacket(Packet *pkt);
cMessage *sendEvent = nullptr;
void RRH::initialize(int stage)
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
sendEvent = new cMessage(“sendFronthaulData”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startTime”), sendEvent);
void RRH::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg)
if (msg == sendEvent) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”), sendEvent);
} else {
Packet *pkt = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
void RRH::sendFronthaulData()
// Create and send fronthaul data packet to BBU pool
EV << “Sending fronthaul data” << endl;
Packet *pkt = new Packet(“FronthaulData”);
send(pkt, “lowerLayerOut”);
void RRH::handleUEPacket(Packet *pkt)
// Handle received UE packet
EV << “Received UE packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
// Forward packet to BBU pool or process it
send(pkt, “lowerLayerOut”);
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class UE : public ApplicationBase
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendUEData();
void handleRRHPacket(Packet *pkt);
cMessage *sendEvent = nullptr;
void UE::initialize(int stage)
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
sendEvent = new cMessage(“sendUEData”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startTime”), sendEvent);
void UE::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg)
if (msg == sendEvent) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”), sendEvent);
} else {
Packet *pkt = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
void UE::sendUEData()
// Create and send UE data packet to RRH
EV << “Sending UE data” << endl;
Packet *pkt = new Packet(“UEData”);
send(pkt, “lowerLayerOut”);
void UE::handleRRHPacket(Packet *pkt)
// Handle received RRH packet
EV << “Received RRH packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
delete pkt;
Step 5: Integrate C-RAN Modules into Network Model
package cran;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.node.ethernet.EtherSwitch;
import inet.physicallayer.contract.packetlevel.IRadioMedium;
import inet.physicallayer.common.packetlevel.RadioMedium;
network CRANNetwork
int numRRHs = default(5);
int numUEs = default(10);
radioMedium: RadioMedium {
bbuPool: Router {
wlan[0].radio.transmitter.typename = “BBUPool”;
wlan[0].radio.receiver.typename = “BBUPool”;
rrh[numRRHs]: StandardHost {
wlan[0].radio.transmitter.typename = “RRH”;
wlan[0].radio.receiver.typename = “RRH”;
ue[numUEs]: StandardHost {
mobility.typename = “RandomWaypointMobility”;
wlan[0].radio.transmitter.typename = “UE”;
wlan[0].radio.receiver.typename = “UE”;
switch: EtherSwitch {
connections allowunconnected:
bbuPool.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> switch.ethg++;
for i=0..numRRHs-1 {
rrh[i].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> switch.ethg++;
for i=0..numUEs-1 {
ue[i].wlan[0] <–> radioMedium <–> rrh[i % numRRHs].wlan[0];
Step 6: Configure Simulation Parameters
network = CRANNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Mobility
**.ue[*].mobility.bounds = “0,0,1000,1000”
# BBU pool application parameters
**.bbuPool.udpApp.startTime = uniform(0s, 10s)
**.bbuPool.udpApp.sendInterval = exponential(1s)
**.bbuPool.udpApp.messageSize = 256B
**.bbuPool.udpApp.localPort = 1000
**.bbuPool.udpApp.destPort = 2000
# RRH application parameters
**.rrh[*].udpApp.startTime = uniform(0s, 10s)
**.rrh[*].udpApp.sendInterval = exponential(1s)
**.rrh[*].udpApp.dataSize = 256B
**.rrh[*].udpApp.localPort = 3000
**.rrh[*].udpApp.destPort = 4000
# UE application parameters
**.ue[*].udpApp.startTime = uniform(0s, 10s)
**.ue[*].udpApp.sendInterval = exponential(1s)
**.ue[*].udpApp.dataSize = 256B
**.ue[*].udpApp.localPort = 5000
**.ue[*].udpApp.destPort = 6000
Step 7: Build and Run the Simulation
Step 8: Analyze Results
In the approach, we help you set up a basic C-RAN simulation in OMNeT++ using the INET framework by giving you the essential details. For more information about this script, we can guide you whenever you need. Engage with us for optimal simulation and project implementation on Cloud RAN utilizing OMNeT++, delivered by leading developers for your initiatives. We specialize in the INET framework to support your projects.