To implement the certificate less cryptography in OMNeT++ has needs includes mimicking a safe communication situation where nodes replace data using certificate less public key cryptography (CL-PKC). Certificate less cryptography removes the essential for certificates, decreasing the burden of certificate management while still preventing the key escrow problem linked with identity-based cryptography.
Steps to Implement Certificate less Cryptography in OMNeT++
Initially describe the network topology where nodes will communicate securely using certificate less cryptography. The topology might contain:
Network Topology Setup:
Describe the basic modules for the network:
simple ClientNode
inout ethg;
simple ServerNode
inout ethg;
simple KeyGenerationCenter
inout ethg;
network CLPKCNetwork
client: ClientNode;
server: ServerNode;
kgc: KeyGenerationCenter;
client.ethg <–> server.ethg;
client.ethg <–> kgc.ethg;
server.ethg <–> kgc.ethg;
The KGC is responsible for making partial private keys based on the user’s identity. The full private key is created by joining this partial private key with a secret value made by the user.
KGC Logic:
class KeyGenerationCenter : public cSimpleModule {
std::map<std::string, std::string> partialPrivateKeys; // Mapping of identity to partial private key
virtual void initialize() override {
// Generate partial private keys for demonstration
partialPrivateKeys[“client”] = “partialPrivateKeyClient”;
partialPrivateKeys[“server”] = “partialPrivateKeyServer”;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
std::string identity = pkt->par(“identity”).stringValue();
std::string partialPrivateKey = getPartialPrivateKey(identity);
// Respond with the partial private key
cPacket *response = new cPacket(“KeyResponse”);
response->addPar(“partialPrivateKey”) = partialPrivateKey;
send(response, “ethg$o”);
std::string getPartialPrivateKey(const std::string &identity) {
return partialPrivateKeys[identity];
The client encrypts data using the server’s public key, which is obtained from the server’s identity and a secret value. The server decrypts the data using its full private key, which is obtained from the partial private key received from the KGC and its own secret value.
class ClientNode : public cSimpleModule {
std::string serverIdentity = “server”; // Server’s identity
std::string serverPublicKey;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Request server’s public key (for simplicity, assume it’s derived from identity and a secret value)
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Handle incoming messages (e.g., key responses)
void deriveServerPublicKey() {
// For demonstration, derive the public key from the identity and a simple operation
serverPublicKey = “publicKeyDerivedFrom_” + serverIdentity;
void encryptAndSendData() {
std::string data = “SensitiveData”;
std::string encryptedData = encryptData(data, serverPublicKey);
cPacket *dataPacket = new cPacket(“EncryptedData”);
dataPacket->addPar(“data”) = encryptedData;
send(dataPacket, “ethg$o”);
std::string encryptData(const std::string &data, const std::string &publicKey) {
// Simple XOR encryption for demonstration (using public key)
std::string encryptedData = data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
encryptedData[i] ^= publicKey[i % publicKey.size()];
return encryptedData;
class ServerNode : public cSimpleModule {
std::string partialPrivateKey;
std::string privateKey; // Full private key derived from partial private key and a secret value
virtual void initialize() override {
// Request partial private key from the KGC
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
if (strcmp(pkt->getName(), “KeyResponse”) == 0) {
partialPrivateKey = pkt->par(“partialPrivateKey”).stringValue();
EV << “Received and derived full private key: ” << privateKey << endl;
} else if (strcmp(pkt->getName(), “EncryptedData”) == 0) {
std::string encryptedData = pkt->par(“data”).stringValue();
std::string decryptedData = decryptData(encryptedData, privateKey);
EV << “Received and decrypted data: ” << decryptedData << endl;
delete pkt;
void requestPartialPrivateKey() {
cPacket *request = new cPacket(“KeyRequest”);
request->addPar(“identity”) = “server”;
send(request, “ethg$o”);
void deriveFullPrivateKey() {
// Combine partial private key with a secret value to derive the full private key
std::string secretValue = “secretValueServer”;
privateKey = partialPrivateKey + secretValue; // Simple concatenation for demonstration
std::string decryptData(const std::string &data, const std::string &key) {
// Simple XOR decryption (same as encryption in this case)
std::string decryptedData = data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
decryptedData[i] ^= key[i % key.size()];
return decryptedData;
Run simulations to assess the performance and exactness of the certificate less cryptography execution:
To further improve the implementation:
In this paper, we are learned about how to execute and analyse the certificate less cryptography in the OMNeT++ simulation tool and also we deliver the detailed data about certificate less cryptography in various tool.
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