To implement the 4D wireless sensor modeling in OMNeT++, we have to expand the usual 3D modeling of sensor networks by attaching an extra dimension. This 4D can indicate time, a certain environment factor (example: temperature or humidity) or another related metric. In the following, we provided the step-by-step guide to implement the 4D in OMNeT:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up OMNeT++ Environment
Step 2: Define the Network Scenario
Start by defining a wireless sensor network (WSN) where each sensor node accumulates data in four dimensions. For instance, the four dimensions could be X, Y, Z (spatial coordinates), and T (time).
Example NED File:
network WirelessSensorNetwork {
int numNodes = default(10); // Number of sensor nodes
sensorNode[numNodes]: WirelessSensorNode {
Step 3: Create the 4D Sensor Node Module
To manage the 4D data, we need to generate a new sensor data module. Let’s assume the fourth dimension is time (T).
simple WirelessSensorNode {
double xPos; // X Coordinate
double yPos; // Y Coordinate
double zPos; // Z Coordinate
double startTime; // Start time for data collection (T)
input in;
output out;
radio: Ieee80211Radio; // Example radio module for wireless communication
Build a new C++ file to state the behavior of your 4D sensor node.
#include “WirelessSensorNode.h”
void WirelessSensorNode::initialize() {
xPos = par(“xPos”);
yPos = par(“yPos”);
zPos = par(“zPos”);
startTime = par(“startTime”);
// Schedule the first data collection event
scheduleAt(simTime() + startTime, new cMessage(“collectData”));
void WirelessSensorNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “collectData”) == 0) {
// Collect 4D data (X, Y, Z, T)
double timeNow = simTime().dbl();
EV << “Node at (” << xPos << “, ” << yPos << “, ” << zPos << “) collected data at time ” << timeNow << endl;
// Schedule the next data collection
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, msg); // Collect data every second
} else {
// Handle other messages (e.g., data transmission)
delete msg;
void WirelessSensorNode::finish() {
// Cleanup code (if any)
Encompass the connection amongst sensor nodes by expanding the network configuration in the NED file.
Example NED File:
network WirelessSensorNetwork {
int numNodes = default(10);
sensorNode[numNodes]: WirelessSensorNode {
xPos = uniform(0, 100);
yPos = uniform(0, 100);
zPos = uniform(0, 50);
startTime = uniform(0, 5); // Random start time
connections allowunconnected:
// Define wireless connections here, if necessary
Step 4: Run the Simulation
[Config WirelessSensorSimulation]
network = WirelessSensorNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
*.numNodes = 20
Step 5: Data Analysis and Visualization
Node at (45.3, 20.1, 10.0) collected data at time 3.2
Node at (60.7, 35.4, 25.0) collected data at time 4.2
Step 6: Optimize and Extend
Through this approach, we will help you through the process with sample that includes basic setup, sensor modeling, and 4D data collection to implement the 4D Wireless Sensor Modeling in OMNeT++ environment.
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