To implement the 3D channel modeling in OMNeT++ encompasses to simulate the action of wireless channels in 3D space, notice factors like distance, elevation, path loss, and other environmental factors. These models are vital in situation such as urban environments, aerial networks, and advanced MIMO systems in which the elevation of nodes plays a significant role in signal propagation. For the best simulation results in 3D Channel Modeling using the OMNeT++ tool, you can contact us for personalized assistance.
In this, we show step-by-step guide to implementing a basic 3D channel model in OMNeT++, along with an example.
Steps to Implement 3D Channel Modeling in OMNeT++
Example: Implementing a Basic 3D Path Loss Model
package networkstructure;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.WirelessHost;
network Network3D
node1: WirelessHost {
@display(“p=100,200,50”); // Position: x=100, y=200, z=50
node2: WirelessHost {
@display(“p=300,200,100”); // Position: x=300, y=200, z=100
node3: WirelessHost {
@display(“p=500,400,150”); // Position: x=500, y=400, z=150
node1.radioModule <–> ThreeDChannel <–> node2.radioModule;
node2.radioModule <–> ThreeDChannel <–> node3.radioModule;
Generate a C++ class that computes the path loss based on 3D distance.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <inet/physicallayer/analogmodel/packetlevel/PathLossModel.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
using namespace inet::physicallayer;
class ThreeDPathLossModel : public PathLossModel
double pathLossExponent;
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual double computePathLoss(const ITransmission *transmission, const IArrival *arrival) const override;
void ThreeDPathLossModel::initialize(int stage)
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
pathLossExponent = par(“pathLossExponent”);
double ThreeDPathLossModel::computePathLoss(const ITransmission *transmission, const IArrival *arrival) const
// Compute the 3D distance between transmitter and receiver
Coord transmitterPosition = transmission->getStartPosition();
Coord receiverPosition = arrival->getStartPosition();
double dx = transmitterPosition.x – receiverPosition.x;
double dy = transmitterPosition.y – receiverPosition.y;
double dz = transmitterPosition.z – receiverPosition.z;
double distance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
// Calculate the path loss using the 3D distance
double pathLoss = pow(distance, pathLossExponent);
return pathLoss;
Define the ThreeDChannel using the ThreeDPathLossModel.
channel ThreeDChannel extends ned.DatarateChannel
delay = 1us;
datarate = 1Mbps;
perBitLossRate = 0.0;
attenuation = 0dB;
noiseLevel = -110dBm;
pathLossModel = “ThreeDPathLossModel”;
network = networkstructure.Network3D
sim-time-limit = 100s
# 3D Path Loss model parameters
**.pathLossExponent = 2.7 # Example path loss exponent for 3D space
Running the Simulation
Extending the Example
The above manual contains the valuable steps about how to simulate network topology and the configuration of 3D loss path model that helps you to implement the three dimensional (3D) Channel Modeling in the OMNeT++ environment.