To calculate the time taken for encryption and decryption in OMNeT++ has needs to follow numerous steps and this process has encompasses to monitor the time at which encryption initiates and terminate and also for decryption. Below we can see how to implement this in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation;
Initially, we need to execute or use existing encoding and decoding functions in OMNeT++ model. If we are using a standard library for encryption such as OpenSSL then make sure it’s integrated with simulation model.
Before starting the encryption process, record the current simulation time. After the encryption is done, record the time again and compute the difference to regulate the encryption time.
The given below is the sample implementation:
simtime_t encryptionStartTime;
simtime_t encryptionEndTime;
simtime_t encryptionTime;
void encryptData(cMessage *msg) {
encryptionStartTime = simTime(); // Record start time
// Your encryption logic here
encryptionEndTime = simTime(); // Record end time
encryptionTime = encryptionEndTime – encryptionStartTime;
EV << “Encryption Time: ” << encryptionTime << ” seconds” << endl;
Likewise, monitor the time taken for decryption by recording the time before and after the decryption process.
simtime_t decryptionStartTime;
simtime_t decryptionEndTime;
simtime_t decryptionTime;
void decryptData(cMessage *msg) {
decryptionStartTime = simTime(); // Record start time
// Your decryption logic here
decryptionEndTime = simTime(); // Record end time
decryptionTime = decryptionEndTime – decryptionStartTime;
EV << “Decryption Time: ” << decryptionTime << ” seconds” << endl;
We need to record these times as statistics in OMNeT++ for later analysis:
simsignal_t encryptionTimeSignal;
simsignal_t decryptionTimeSignal;
void initialize() override {
encryptionTimeSignal = registerSignal(“encryptionTime”);
decryptionTimeSignal = registerSignal(“decryptionTime”);
void encryptData(cMessage *msg) {
encryptionStartTime = simTime();
// Encryption logic
encryptionEndTime = simTime();
encryptionTime = encryptionEndTime – encryptionStartTime;
emit(encryptionTimeSignal, encryptionTime);
void decryptData(cMessage *msg) {
decryptionStartTime = simTime();
// Decryption logic
decryptionEndTime = simTime();
decryptionTime = decryptionEndTime – decryptionStartTime;
emit(decryptionTimeSignal, decryptionTime);
After running the simulation, we need to measure the recorded encryption and decryption times using OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools, or we need to export the information for further analysis in external tools.
If the encoded and decoded processes are very fast, make sure that simulation timing granularity is fined adequate to precisely measure the time taken. We need to modify the simtime_t precision in OMNeT++ configuration.
Example Scenario
Suppose we are encrypting and decrypting messages in a network simulation where each node sends and receives encrypted messages. We need to combine the timing logic into the message handling functions as shown above. The given below is the complete sample:
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Handle scheduled events
} else {
if (isEncrypted(msg)) {
} else {
// Send the message to the next hop
send(msg, “out”);
In this setup, each time a message is received, the model checks if it’s encrypted or not. If not, it encrypts it, and if it is, it decrypts it. The time for each operation is tracked and recorded.
After implementing these steps, execute the simulation. We need to measure how much time the encryption and decryption processes are taking within the aspects of network simulation.
We had explored the basic concepts on how to calculate and how to setup the network using the OMNeT++ tool and also we offer the more details regarding the time for encryption and decryption.
To calculate time for encryption and decryption in the omnet++ program for your research work, please share the parameter specifics with our developers, and we will guide you to the best results.