To calculate the Quality of Experience (QoE) in OMNeT++ has needs to measure the user satisfaction with network services especially for applications such as video streaming, VoIP, or online gaming. The term QoE commonly connects with network performance metrics like latency, jitter, packet loss, and throughput, but also considers subjective user experiences. The given below will help you to calculate the QoE in OMNeT++:
Steps to Calculate QoE in OMNeT++:
Example: QoE Calculation for VoIP using MOS
In the below is the instance of how to calculate a simple MOS (Mean Opinion Score) for a VoIP application:
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class VoipClient : public cSimpleModule {
simtime_t lastSendTime;
simtime_t lastReceiveTime;
int packetsSent;
int packetsReceived;
double totalDelay;
double totalJitter;
int packetLoss;
virtual void initialize() override {
lastSendTime = SIMTIME_ZERO;
lastReceiveTime = SIMTIME_ZERO;
packetsSent = 0;
packetsReceived = 0;
totalDelay = 0;
totalJitter = 0;
packetLoss = 0;
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“send”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Simulate sending a VoIP packet
lastSendTime = simTime();
send(msg, “out”);
} else {
// Simulate receiving a VoIP packet at the destination
simtime_t receiveTime = simTime();
// Calculate delay and jitter
simtime_t delay = receiveTime – lastSendTime;
totalDelay += delay.dbl();
if (lastReceiveTime != SIMTIME_ZERO) {
simtime_t jitter = fabs((receiveTime – lastReceiveTime).dbl() – (lastSendTime – lastSendTime).dbl());
totalJitter += jitter;
lastReceiveTime = receiveTime;
delete msg;
// Schedule the next packet send
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“send”));
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate average QoS metrics
double averageDelay = totalDelay / packetsReceived;
double averageJitter = totalJitter / (packetsReceived – 1);
packetLoss = packetsSent – packetsReceived;
// Calculate MOS
double mos = CalculateMOS(averageDelay, averageJitter, packetLoss);
EV << “Mean Opinion Score (MOS): ” << mos << “\n”;
double CalculateMOS(double delay, double jitter, int packetLoss) {
double rFactor = 94.2 – (delay / 10.0) – (jitter / 5.0) – (2.5 * packetLoss);
if (rFactor < 0) rFactor = 0;
return 1 + 0.035 * rFactor + 7.0e-6 * rFactor * (rFactor – 60) * (100 – rFactor);
Additional Considerations:
We clearly understood how to calculate and estimate the parameter that relates the QOE to satisfy the user experience in the tool of OMNeT++. Additional details were provided about the QOE in further additional module.
Get guidance on assessing the network performance of your project. Share your parameter details with us to calculate Quality of Experience (QoE) in OMNeT++.