To calculate the network transmission reliability in OMNeT++ has encompasses to measuring how reliable and accurately the data packets are delivered from a source node to a destination node over a network. Transmission reliability is a crucial parameters in decisive the robustness and performance of a network especially in wireless and sensor networks. The given below are the structured procedures to implement this approach in OMNeT
Step-by-Step Implementation:
The tern “Transmission reliability” is defined to the probability that a packet sent from a source node successfully reaches its destination without errors or loss. This parameters is influenced by factors such as:
In OMNeT++, we need to generate a network topology that contains the nodes that will interact with each other that permits to evaluate the transmission reliability among them.
Example: Define a Simple Network in NED
network TransmissionReliabilityNetwork {
source: Node; // Source node
destination: Node; // Destination node
We should emulate packet transmission among nodes and estimate the reliability based on successful transmissions versus the total number of transmissions.
Example: Implementing Transmission Reliability Testing
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class Node : public cSimpleModule {
int numPacketsSent = 0;
int numPacketsReceived = 0;
int totalPackets = 100; // Total packets to send
double packetErrorRate = 0.1; // Example packet error rate (10%)
virtual void initialize() override {
if (strcmp(getName(), “source”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, new cMessage(“sendPacket”)); // Start sending packets
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendPacket”) == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “packet”) == 0) {
if (uniform(0, 1) > packetErrorRate) {
delete msg;
// Calculate reliability after all packets have been sent
if (numPacketsSent == totalPackets) {
void sendPacket() {
if (numPacketsSent < totalPackets) {
cMessage *pkt = new cMessage(“packet”);
send(pkt, “out”);
// Schedule the next packet to be sent
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, new cMessage(“sendPacket”));
void calculateTransmissionReliability() {
double reliability = (double)numPacketsReceived / numPacketsSent * 100.0;
EV << “Transmission Reliability: ” << reliability << “%” << std::endl;
recordScalar(“Transmission Reliability”, reliability);
Execute the simulation to permit the source node to send packets to the destination node. The transmission reliability will be computed based on the number of successfully received packets at the destination node compared to the number of packets sent.
After running the simulation, the estimated transmission reliability is recorded as a scalar value. we use OMNeT++’s analysis tools to study this value and familiarize the network’s reliability under the emulated conditions.
For a more detailed analysis, we can:
In this sample, the Node module sends packets from the source to the destination, and the transmission reliability is computed based on the ratio of packets received to packets sent.
network TransmissionReliabilityExample {
source: Node;
destination: Node;
We need to use the scalar results recorded during the simulation to measure the transmission reliability. We need to plot the outcomes to compare how different factors impact the reliability, like error rates, packet sizes, or network conditions.
We discussed how consistently and accurately calculate and measure the data packets transferred from source to destination over the network using the OMNeT++ tool. Further details regarding the network transmission reliability will be provided.
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