To calculate the network transmission quality in OMNeT++ encompasses evaluating several metrics that reflect the effectiveness and reliability of data transmission through the network. Transmission quality can be estimate using a grouping of metrics like Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), latency, jitter, throughput, and error rates. Based on the particular focus of the study, we may select to join these metrics into a unique quality score or assess them separately.
Common Metrics for Network Transmission Quality
Implementing in OMNeT++
Given below details is to calculate these metrics in an OMNeT++ simulation:
int packetsSent = 0;
int packetsReceived = 0;
// When a packet is sent
// When a packet is received
// Calculate PDR at the end of the simulation
double pdr = (double)packetsReceived / packetsSent * 100;
recordScalar(“Packet Delivery Ratio (%)”, pdr);
EV << “Packet Delivery Ratio: ” << pdr << ” %” << endl;
simtime_t sendTime; // Record the time when a packet is sent
// When a packet is sent
sendTime = simTime();
// When a packet is received
simtime_t receiveTime = simTime();
simtime_t latency = receiveTime – sendTime;
recordScalar(“Packet Latency (s)”, latency.dbl());
EV << “Packet Latency: ” << latency << ” s” << endl;
simtime_t previousLatency = 0;
simtime_t currentLatency;
simtime_t jitter = 0;
// When a packet is received
currentLatency = simTime() – sendTime;
if (previousLatency != 0) {
jitter = fabs(currentLatency – previousLatency);
recordScalar(“Packet Jitter (s)”, jitter.dbl());
EV << “Packet Jitter: ” << jitter << ” s” << endl;
previousLatency = currentLatency;
long totalBytesReceived = 0;
simtime_t startTime = simTime();
// When a packet is received
totalBytesReceived += packet->getByteLength(); // or getBitLength() for bits
// At the end of the simulation
simtime_t endTime = simTime();
simtime_t totalTime = endTime – startTime;
double throughput = (totalBytesReceived * 8) / totalTime.dbl(); // in bps
recordScalar(“Throughput (bps)”, throughput);
EV << “Throughput: ” << throughput << ” bps” << endl;
int totalBitsTransmitted = 0;
int bitErrors = 0;
// When a packet is received
// Assume we have a function to calculate the number of bit errors in the packet
bitErrors += calculateBitErrors(receivedPacket);
totalBitsTransmitted += receivedPacket->getBitLength();
// At the end of the simulation
double ber = (double)bitErrors / totalBitsTransmitted;
recordScalar(“Bit Error Rate (BER)”, ber);
EV << “Bit Error Rate: ” << ber << endl;
Combining Metrics for a Transmission Quality Score
If we need to combine these metrics into an only one quality score, we can regularise each metric and then calculate a weighted sum. For example:
double qualityScore = w1 * pdr + w2 * (1 / latency.dbl()) + w3 * (1 / jitter.dbl()) + w4 * throughput – w5 * ber;
// Normalize each metric to a common scale, typically between 0 and 1
// Adjust the weights (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5) according to the importance of each metric
recordScalar(“Network Transmission Quality Score”, qualityScore);
EV << “Network Transmission Quality Score: ” << qualityScore << endl;
Here, we had provided much more details and methods is helps to compute the Network Transmission Quality using in OMNeT++. We will offer further informations according to your requests.
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