To calculate the Network Stability Index in OMNeT++ has contain to measure the network’s ability to sustain reliable performance and connectivity over time particularly in dynamic or mobile networks where nodes or links can recurrently change. The Network Stability Index can be measured by evaluating factors like link stability, node availability, and changes in network topology. The below are the procedures on how to simulate the network stability index in OMNeT++:
Steps to Calculate Network Stability Index in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Link and Node Stability
In the below are the sample of how to calculate the Network Stability Index based on link stability and node uptime:
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace omnetpp;
class StabilityModule : public cSimpleModule {
std::vector<simtime_t> linkUptimes; // Stores the uptime of each link
std::vector<simtime_t> nodeUptimes; // Stores the uptime of each node
int topologyChanges; // Counts the number of topology changes
simsignal_t nsiSignal; // Signal to record the Network Stability Index
virtual void initialize() override {
// Initialize vectors for storing link and node uptimes
linkUptimes.resize(par(“numLinks”).intValue(), 0);
nodeUptimes.resize(par(“numNodes”).intValue(), 0);
topologyChanges = 0;
nsiSignal = registerSignal(“nsiSignal”);
// Schedule the first event to monitor stability
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“monitorInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“monitorStability”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “monitorStability”) == 0) {
// Update link and node uptimes
for (int i = 0; i < linkUptimes.size(); i++) {
linkUptimes[i] += par(“linkActive”).boolValue() ? par(“monitorInterval”).doubleValue() : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeUptimes.size(); i++) {
nodeUptimes[i] += par(“nodeActive”).boolValue() ? par(“monitorInterval”).doubleValue() : 0;
// Check for topology changes (e.g., link failure, node mobility)
if (par(“topologyChangeOccurred”).boolValue()) {
// Reschedule the next stability monitoring event
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“monitorInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate total uptime for links and nodes
simtime_t totalLinkUptime = std::accumulate(linkUptimes.begin(), linkUptimes.end(), simtime_t(0));
simtime_t totalNodeUptime = std::accumulate(nodeUptimes.begin(), nodeUptimes.end(), simtime_t(0));
simtime_t totalTime = simTime();
// Calculate the Network Stability Index (NSI)
double linkStability = (totalLinkUptime / (linkUptimes.size() * totalTime)).dbl();
double nodeStability = (totalNodeUptime / (nodeUptimes.size() * totalTime)).dbl();
double nsi = linkStability * nodeStability / (1 + topologyChanges);
// Emit the NSI signal
emit(nsiSignal, nsi);
EV << “Network Stability Index (NSI): ” << nsi << “\n”;
Additional Considerations:
This setup will permit to compute and measure the Network Stability Index in OMNeT++ simulation that delivers the valuable insights on how the nodes recurrently changes within the network. If you have any query regarding the network stability index, we will help to clarify it.
Our developers are available to assist you in understanding the simulation performance of your project. Please share your parameter details with us for further assistance regarding the Network Stability Index in the OMNeT++ tool.