To calculate the network size in OMNeT++ has several steps to follow and it is commonly refers to decisive the number of nodes or devices within the network and this can be helpful for measuring the scalability, performance, and resource necessities. Our team is comprised of top-tier developers and researchers who are dedicated to completing your project on time.Below are the procedures to implement the network size in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Network size generally refers to:
In OMNeT++, we would usually state a network with a particular number of nodes. The number of nodes is either specified directly or can be determined programmatically.
Example: Define a Simple Network in NED
network SimpleNetwork {
node[10]: StandardHost; // Define a network with 10 nodes
In this instance, the network has 10 nodes but we want to estimate or dynamically determine the number of nodes in a more complex scenario.
We need to estimate the network size by iterating over the sub modules (nodes) in the network. This can be completed in the initialize approach of a module.
Example: Implementing Network Size Calculation
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class NetworkSizeCalculator : public cSimpleModule {
int networkSize;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Calculate the number of nodes in the network
networkSize = getParentModule()->getSubmoduleVectorSize(“node”);
EV << “Calculated Network Size: ” << networkSize << ” nodes” << std::endl;
recordScalar(“Network Size”, networkSize);
Run the simulation. The NetworkSizeCalculator module will emulate the number of nodes in the network and log the outcomes.
The calculated network size will be recorded as a scalar value. We need to use OMNeT++’s built-in tools to measure the outcomes and make sure that it fits the expectations or requirements.
For more complex networks, we want to:
Example: Calculating Network Size for Specific Node Types
class NetworkSizeCalculator : public cSimpleModule {
int totalNodes = 0;
int routerNodes = 0;
int clientNodes = 0;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Iterate over all submodules to determine their type and count them
for (cModule::SubmoduleIterator iter(getParentModule()); !iter.end(); iter++) {
cModule *submodule = *iter;
if (strcmp(submodule->getModuleType()->getName(), “Router”) == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(submodule->getModuleType()->getName(), “Client”) == 0) {
EV << “Total Network Size: ” << totalNodes << ” nodes” << std::endl;
EV << “Router Nodes: ” << routerNodes << std::endl;
EV << “Client Nodes: ” << clientNodes << std::endl;
recordScalar(“Total Network Size”, totalNodes);
recordScalar(“Router Nodes”, routerNodes);
recordScalar(“Client Nodes”, clientNodes);
After the simulation, use OMNeT++’s scalar outcomes to measure the network size. This can support in measuring scalability, resource allocation, or enhancing the network configuration.
We need to compute the geographical size like area covered by the network and we need to use the positions of nodes to determine the bounding box or radius that states the network’s physical extent.
Example: Calculating Geographical Size
class GeographicalSizeCalculator : public cSimpleModule {
double minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Initialize to extreme values
minX = minY = DBL_MAX;
maxX = maxY = -DBL_MAX;
// Iterate over nodes to find the bounding box
for (int i = 0; i < getParentModule()->getSubmoduleVectorSize(“node”); i++) {
cModule *node = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, i);
double x = node->par(“x”).doubleValue();
double y = node->par(“y”).doubleValue();
if (x < minX) minX = x;
if (x > maxX) maxX = x;
if (y < minY) minY = y;
if (y > maxY) maxY = y;
double area = (maxX – minX) * (maxY – minY);
EV << “Geographical Size: ” << area << ” square units” << std::endl;
recordScalar(“Geographical Size”, area);
We need to combine node count and geographical size to achieve a thorough picture of the network’s scale.
These techniques will permits to calculate and measure the network size in OMNeT++ simulations and it delivers the valuable insights about how it effectively it measures the scalability and other resources. If you need additional information regarding the network size we will provide that too. We provide unparalleled project guidance when determining Network Size in omnet++l. Share your parameter specifications with us, and we will meticulously compare and provide the best results.