To calculate the network service rate in OMNeT++ has needs to evaluate how rapidly a node or network can process and serve requests or packets. The term service rate is usually expressed in packets per second (pps) or bits per second (bps) that liable on the level of granularity requirements. The given below are the detailed procedures on how to implement the network service rate in OMNeT++:
Steps to Calculate Network Service Rate in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Packet Service Rate Calculation
The given below is the detailed sample of how to calculate the service rate in OMNeT++:
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class ServiceRateModule : public cSimpleModule {
int64_t totalPacketsProcessed; // Total number of packets processed
int64_t totalBitsProcessed; // Total number of bits processed
simtime_t startTime; // Start time of the measurement period
simsignal_t serviceRatePpsSignal; // Signal to record service rate in packets per second
simsignal_t serviceRateBpsSignal; // Signal to record service rate in bits per second
virtual void initialize() override {
totalPacketsProcessed = 0;
totalBitsProcessed = 0;
startTime = simTime();
serviceRatePpsSignal = registerSignal(“serviceRatePpsSignal”);
serviceRateBpsSignal = registerSignal(“serviceRateBpsSignal”);
// Schedule the first packet processing
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“processInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“processPacket”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “processPacket”) == 0) {
// Simulate processing a packet
int packetSize = par(“packetSize”).intValue(); // in bytes
int64_t bitsProcessed = packetSize * 8; // Convert to bits
totalBitsProcessed += bitsProcessed;
// Schedule the next packet processing
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“processInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“processPacket”));
delete msg;
} else {
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate the total time elapsed
simtime_t endTime = simTime();
simtime_t totalTime = endTime – startTime;
// Calculate and emit service rate in packets per second (pps)
double serviceRatePps = (totalTime > 0) ? (double)totalPacketsProcessed / totalTime.dbl() : 0.0;
emit(serviceRatePpsSignal, serviceRatePps);
// Calculate and emit service rate in bits per second (bps)
double serviceRateBps = (totalTime > 0) ? (double)totalBitsProcessed / totalTime.dbl() : 0.0;
emit(serviceRateBpsSignal, serviceRateBps);
EV << “Total Packets Processed: ” << totalPacketsProcessed << ” packets\n”;
EV << “Total Bits Processed: ” << totalBitsProcessed << ” bits\n”;
EV << “Total Simulation Time: ” << totalTime << ” seconds\n”;
EV << “Service Rate: ” << serviceRatePps << ” pps (” << serviceRateBps / 1e6 << ” Mbps)\n”;
Additional Considerations:
We demonstrate how the network service rate is calculated on the OMNeT++ tool that has generate the traffic then monitor the packet and calculate the service rate. We will also detail the approach taken to conduct the network service rate in various simulations.
We present the simulation performance outcomes regarding Network Service Rate utilizing the OMNeT++ tool. Should you desire a tailored research experience, we encourage you to contact us. Our team of experts, equipped with advanced tools, is prepared to support you in your research endeavors.