To calculate the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in OMNeT++ has encompasses to evaluating whether the network run into predefined performance conditions or quality of service (QoS) targets and the SLAs usually specify the acceptable levels for parameters like latency, throughput, packet loss, and availability and these metrics are crucial for make sure that the network offers the reliable and consistent service. The below are the structured procedures on how to calculate and evaluate SLAs in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Initially, we need to describe the performance metrics that are part of SLA and the common SLA metrics has contain:
To execute mechanisms in OMNeT++ to observes these metrics during simulation.
Example: Tracking Latency, Throughput, and Packet Loss
class Node : public cSimpleModule {
int totalPacketsSent = 0;
int totalPacketsReceived = 0;
int totalPacketsLost = 0;
simtime_t totalLatency = 0;
double totalThroughput = 0;
simsignal_t latencySignal;
simsignal_t throughputSignal;
simsignal_t packetLossSignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
latencySignal = registerSignal(“latency”);
throughputSignal = registerSignal(“throughput”);
packetLossSignal = registerSignal(“packetLoss”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Handle internal messages
} else {
// Track latency
simtime_t latency = simTime() – msg->getCreationTime();
totalLatency += latency;
emit(latencySignal, latency);
// Track throughput
double dataSize = msg->getByteLength();
totalThroughput += dataSize;
emit(throughputSignal, dataSize);
// Track packet delivery
send(msg, “out”);
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate and record packet loss
totalPacketsLost = totalPacketsSent – totalPacketsReceived;
double packetLossRate = (double)totalPacketsLost / totalPacketsSent * 100;
emit(packetLossSignal, packetLossRate);
// Record other SLA metrics
recordScalar(“Average Latency”, totalLatency / totalPacketsReceived);
recordScalar(“Total Throughput”, totalThroughput);
recordScalar(“Packet Loss Rate (%)”, packetLossRate);
Run simulation to gather the information on the defined SLA metrics. Make certain that network is set up to produce the traffic and scenarios needed to assess these metrics under diverse conditions.
After the simulation, compute whether the collected metrics meet the SLA standards.
Example: Checking SLA Compliance
bool checkSLACompliance() {
double avgLatency = totalLatency.dbl() / totalPacketsReceived;
double packetLossRate = (double)totalPacketsLost / totalPacketsSent * 100;
double avgThroughput = totalThroughput / simTime().dbl();
bool latencyCompliant = avgLatency <= SLA_LATENCY_THRESHOLD;
bool throughputCompliant = avgThroughput >= SLA_THROUGHPUT_THRESHOLD;
bool packetLossCompliant = packetLossRate <= SLA_PACKET_LOSS_THRESHOLD;
EV << “SLA Compliance – Latency: ” << (latencyCompliant ? “Yes” : “No”) << endl;
EV << “SLA Compliance – Throughput: ” << (throughputCompliant ? “Yes” : “No”) << endl;
EV << “SLA Compliance – Packet Loss: ” << (packetLossCompliant ? “Yes” : “No”) << endl;
return latencyCompliant && throughputCompliant && packetLossCompliant;
Record the compliance outcomes and generate reports. We can use OMNeT++’s scalar recording system to store whether the network met each SLA target.
Example: Reporting SLA Compliance
virtual void finish() override {
totalPacketsLost = totalPacketsSent – totalPacketsReceived;
double packetLossRate = (double)totalPacketsLost / totalPacketsSent * 100;
// Check compliance
bool slaCompliant = checkSLACompliance();
// Record compliance as scalar
recordScalar(“SLA Compliant”, slaCompliant);
recordScalar(“Packet Loss Rate (%)”, packetLossRate);
recordScalar(“Average Latency”, totalLatency / totalPacketsReceived);
recordScalar(“Total Throughput”, totalThroughput);
After running the simulation, measure the recorded metrics to evaluate the overall network performance against the SLA. We can visualize the outcomes, compare diverse scenarios, or export the information for further analysis.
In the incorporated sample where the node validates the compliance with predefined SLA thresholds:
#define SLA_LATENCY_THRESHOLD 0.1 // 100 ms
#define SLA_THROUGHPUT_THRESHOLD 50000 // 50 Kbps
class Node : public cSimpleModule {
int totalPacketsSent = 0;
int totalPacketsReceived = 0;
int totalPacketsLost = 0;
simtime_t totalLatency = 0;
double totalThroughput = 0;
simsignal_t latencySignal;
simsignal_t throughputSignal;
simsignal_t packetLossSignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
latencySignal = registerSignal(“latency”);
throughputSignal = registerSignal(“throughput”);
packetLossSignal = registerSignal(“packetLoss”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Handle internal messages
} else {
// Track latency
simtime_t latency = simTime() – msg->getCreationTime();
totalLatency += latency;
emit(latencySignal, latency);
// Track throughput
double dataSize = msg->getByteLength();
totalThroughput += dataSize;
emit(throughputSignal, dataSize);
// Track packet delivery
send(msg, “out”);
bool checkSLACompliance() {
double avgLatency = totalLatency.dbl() / totalPacketsReceived;
double packetLossRate = (double)totalPacketsLost / totalPacketsSent * 100;
double avgThroughput = totalThroughput / simTime().dbl();
bool latencyCompliant = avgLatency <= SLA_LATENCY_THRESHOLD;
bool throughputCompliant = avgThroughput >= SLA_THROUGHPUT_THRESHOLD;
bool packetLossCompliant = packetLossRate <= SLA_PACKET_LOSS_THRESHOLD;
EV << “SLA Compliance – Latency: ” << (latencyCompliant ? “Yes” : “No”) << endl;
EV << “SLA Compliance – Throughput: ” << (throughputCompliant ? “Yes” : “No”) << endl;
EV << “SLA Compliance – Packet Loss: ” << (packetLossCompliant ? “Yes” : “No”) << endl;
return latencyCompliant && throughputCompliant && packetLossCompliant;
virtual void finish() override {
totalPacketsLost = totalPacketsSent – totalPacketsReceived;
double packetLossRate = (double)totalPacketsLost / totalPacketsSent * 100;
// Check compliance
bool slaCompliant = checkSLACompliance();
// Record compliance as scalar
recordScalar(“SLA Compliant”, slaCompliant);
recordScalar(“Packet Loss Rate (%)”, packetLossRate);
recordScalar(“Average Latency”, totalLatency / totalPacketsReceived);
recordScalar(“Total Throughput”, totalThroughput);
Use OMNeT++’s tools to measure the recorded data and measure the network’s SLA compliance. If the network does not meet the SLA conditions then consider modifying the network configuration or executing the optimizations.
In this page we learned and get knowledge about how to calculate the service level agreements in the network using the OMNeT++. We will offer a comprehensive overview of the service level agreements as simulated in various scenarios. In order to determine the Network Service Level Agreements within the OMNeT++ tool, we offer you unparalleled project guidance. Share your parameter specifics with us, and we will meticulously compare and deliver the most optimal results. Our team comprises top-tier developers and researchers dedicated to ensuring your project is completed punctually.