To calculate the network risk management in OMNeT++ has encompasses to evaluate the possible malevolent, vulnerabilities and the effect of the numerous risks on the network. The network risk management goals are to classify, evaluate and prevent the risks to make sure the network resilience and the security. Please provide us with your parameter details, and we will assist you with calculating network risk management using the omnet++ program. To determine the simulation performance, we will provide the best result.
The given below are the procedures to execute and estimate the network risk management in OMNeT++.
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Network risk management encompasses the processes and approaches used to:
In OMNeT++, generate a network topology that contains the points where risk management processes are required, like firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and redundancy mechanisms. These points will support to classify, alleviate, and respond to risks.
Example: Define a Network with Risk Management Points in NED
network RiskManagementNetwork {
client: Client;
firewall: RiskManagementFirewall; // Firewall with risk management capabilities
server: Server;
ids: IntrusionDetectionSystem; // IDS to monitor for threats
client.out++ –>;
firewall.out++ –>;
ids.out++ –>;
In the OMNeT++ modules denotes the risk management points like a firewall or IDS, to execute the logic to find the potential risks, evaluate their impact, and apply prevention strategies.
Example: Implementing Risk Management in a Firewall
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class RiskManagementFirewall : public cSimpleModule {
int detectedThreats = 0;
int mitigatedThreats = 0;
int totalPackets = 0;
std::ofstream riskLogFile;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Open a risk management log file to store the risk records“risk_log.txt”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Identify and assess potential risks
if (isThreat(msg)) {
logRiskEvent(msg, “Threat detected”);
// Apply mitigation strategy
if (mitigateThreat(msg)) {
logRiskEvent(msg, “Threat mitigated”);
} else {
logRiskEvent(msg, “Threat not mitigated, dropping packet”);
delete msg; // Drop the packet if the threat cannot be mitigated
// Forward the packet if no threat is detected or after mitigation
send(msg, “out”);
bool isThreat(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement your threat detection logic here
// Example: Consider certain types of traffic as potential threats
return strcmp(msg->getName(), “suspiciousTraffic”) == 0;
bool mitigateThreat(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement your threat mitigation strategy here
// Example: Apply security measures, reroute traffic, or limit access
return true; // Assume the threat is mitigated for this example
void logRiskEvent(cMessage *msg, const char *status) {
// Get the simulation time and the module’s name
simtime_t currentTime = simTime();
const char *moduleName = getFullPath().c_str();
// Log the event to the risk management log file
riskLogFile << currentTime << ” – ” << moduleName << ” – ” << status << “: ” << msg->getName() << std::endl;
// Optionally, log to the simulation output
EV << currentTime << ” – ” << moduleName << ” – ” << status << “: ” << msg->getName() << std::endl;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record risk management statistics
recordScalar(“Total Packets”, totalPackets);
recordScalar(“Detected Threats”, detectedThreats);
recordScalar(“Mitigated Threats”, mitigatedThreats);
// Close the risk management log file at the end of the simulation
In addition to classifying and preventing the risks, network risk management contains to monitoring for emerging threats and responding efficiently. Implement a module that continuously monitors network activities and causes appropriate responses when risks are identified.
Example: Implementing an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
class IntrusionDetectionSystem : public cSimpleModule {
int detectedIntrusions = 0;
int respondedIntrusions = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Simulate intrusion detection
if (detectIntrusion(msg)) {
logIntrusionEvent(msg, “Intrusion detected”);
// Respond to the intrusion
if (respondToIntrusion(msg)) {
logIntrusionEvent(msg, “Intrusion response successful”);
} else {
logIntrusionEvent(msg, “Intrusion response failed”);
delete msg; // Drop the packet if the response fails
// Forward the packet if no intrusion is detected or after a successful response
send(msg, “out”);
bool detectIntrusion(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement logic to detect intrusions or suspicious activities
return strcmp(msg->getName(), “intrusiveTraffic”) == 0;
bool respondToIntrusion(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement your response strategy here
return true; // Assume a successful response for this example
void logIntrusionEvent(cMessage *msg, const char *status) {
// Log the event (similar to the risk management firewall)
EV << simTime() << ” – ” << getFullPath().c_str() << ” – ” << status << “: ” << msg->getName() << std::endl;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record IDS statistics
recordScalar(“Detected Intrusions”, detectedIntrusions);
recordScalar(“Responded Intrusions”, respondedIntrusions);
Generate traffic from the client to the server via the risk management firewall and IDS. The firewall will find and prevent the risks, while the IDS will identify and respond to possible intrusions.
Example: Traffic Simulation with Risk Management
class Client : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start generating both normal and suspicious traffic
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“normalTraffic”));
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue() + 1, new cMessage(“suspiciousTraffic”));
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue() + 2, new cMessage(“intrusiveTraffic”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Send the traffic to the firewall and IDS for risk management
send(msg, “out”);
The logs and metrics generated by the risk management points can be measured to evaluate how effectively the network prevents and responds to risks. Key metrics include:
Example: Calculating Risk Management Effectiveness
class RiskManagementFirewall : public cSimpleModule {
int detectedThreats = 0;
int mitigatedThreats = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (isThreat(msg)) {
if (mitigateThreat(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”);
virtual void finish() override {
double mitigationSuccessRate = (double)mitigatedThreats / detectedThreats * 100.0;
recordScalar(“Mitigation Success Rate (%)”, mitigationSuccessRate);
After running the simulation, measure the efficiency of network risk management by evaluating:
For more comprehensive risk management, we need to:
In this example, the RiskManagementFirewall and IntrusionDetectionSystem modules log and handle the risks by detecting, mitigating, and responding to potential threats. Risk management performance metrics like detected threats, mitigated threats, and incident response rates, are recorded and analysed.
network RiskManagementExample {
client: Client;
firewall: RiskManagementFirewall;
ids: IntrusionDetectionSystem;
server: cModule;
client.out++ –>;
firewall.out++ –>;
ids.out++ –>;
Use OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools to investigate the recorded risk management metrics, like mitigation success rates, incident response rates, and detected threats. This analysis will support to familiarize how well the network prevents and responds to risks, and where enhancement is needed.
From the above implementation we had learned how to calculate the network risk management to prevent the risk from the attacks by using the OMNeT++ tool. If you need further information regarding the network risk management we will support that too.