To calculate network resiliency in OMNeT++ has includes measuring the network capability to maintain the acceptable performance levels under stress conditions, like node failures, link failures, or attacks. Resiliency usually evaluates how well the network can improve from failures and handles the service levels. The below are the brief structures to estimate the network resiliency in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Resiliency can be quantified using numerous metrics that depending on the particular scenario. Common metrics include:
void SimpleNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Simulate a failure
isAlive = false;
// Further handling of failure
} else {
// Normal message processing
simtime_t failureTime = simTime();
simtime_t recoveryTime = simTime() – failureTime;
double throughputBeforeFailure = /* calculate throughput */;
double throughputAfterFailure = /* calculate throughput */;
double degradation = throughputBeforeFailure – throughputAfterFailure;
int operationalNodes = /* count of nodes still alive */;
double survivability = (double)operationalNodes / totalNodes;
Example: Monitoring Recovery Time
The given below is the sample to overview for calculating recovery time in your OMNeT++ simulation:
class ResilientNetwork : public cSimpleModule
simsignal_t recoveryTimeSignal;
simtime_t failureStartTime;
bool failureOccurred;
virtual void initialize() override {
recoveryTimeSignal = registerSignal(“recoveryTime”);
failureOccurred = false;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (failureCondition()) {
if (!failureOccurred) {
failureStartTime = simTime();
failureOccurred = true;
// Introduce failure
} else if (failureOccurred) {
simtime_t recoveryTime = simTime() – failureStartTime;
emit(recoveryTimeSignal, recoveryTime);
failureOccurred = false;
// Handle recovery
} else {
// Normal operation
bool failureCondition() {
// Define your failure condition
return false; // Placeholder
In the end we provide the information about how to calculate and measure the network resilience in the OMNeT++ simulation tool and also we deliver the detailed data about network resilience.
Send us the specifics of your parameters, and we’ll assist you in using the Omnet++ tool to calculate network resilience. We’ll give you the best result if you want to know the network performance.