To calculate the network residual energy level in OMNeT++ has several steps to follow and it is critical in scenarios such as wireless sensor networks, where energy efficiency is a crucial concern and the term “Residual energy” is defined to the remaining energy in a node’s battery that is directly affects the node’s operational lifetime and the overall network’s prolonged existence.
The below are the procedures on how to calculate the network residual energy level in OMNeT++:
Steps to Calculate Network Residual Energy Level in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Residual Energy Calculation
The given below is the sample of how to calculate and track the residual energy level in OMNeT++ using the INET framework’s energy model:
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/power/storage/SimpleEpEnergyStorage.h”
#include “inet/power/contract/IEnergyStorage.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class ResidualEnergyModule : public cSimpleModule {
SimpleEpEnergyStorage *energyStorage; // Pointer to the energy storage module
simsignal_t residualEnergySignal; // Signal to record residual energy
virtual void initialize() override {
// Find the energy storage module in the parent module
energyStorage = check_and_cast<SimpleEpEnergyStorage *>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“energyStorage”));
residualEnergySignal = registerSignal(“residualEnergySignal”);
// Schedule periodic checks of residual energy
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“checkInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“checkEnergy”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “checkEnergy”) == 0) {
// Get the current residual energy level
double residualEnergy = energyStorage->getResidualEnergyCapacity().get();
// Emit the residual energy level
emit(residualEnergySignal, residualEnergy);
EV << “Current Residual Energy: ” << residualEnergy << ” J\n”;
// Schedule the next check
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“checkInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
} else {
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
// Get the final residual energy level at the end of the simulation
double finalResidualEnergy = energyStorage->getResidualEnergyCapacity().get();
EV << “Final Residual Energy: ” << finalResidualEnergy << ” J\n”;
Additional Considerations:
In the above setup, we clearly demonstrate how to calculate the residual energy in the OMNeT++ tool that has to setup the network model and then apply the energy model to calculate the remaining energy in the battery. If you have any doubts regarding the residual energy we will support and provide that too.
We have conducted simulation performance results on Network Residual Energy Level using the OMNeT++ tool. If you’re looking for a personalized research experience, feel free to reach out to us. Whether it’s SimpleEpEnergyStorage or IdealEpEnergyStorage, we have all the top tools and a skilled team ready to support your research efforts.