To calculate network redundancy in OMNeT++ has encompasses the availability of multiple paths or backup resources that can handle the network functionality in case of failures or congestion. Redundancy is a crucial factor in make sure the reliability and robustness of a network. The below are the procedures on how to calculate network redundancy in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Network redundancy is usually defined to the availability of alternative paths among the nodes or the existence of backup resources such as duplicate links or nodes that can take over in case of failure. Key metrics for redundancy include:
Make sure the network topology in OMNeT++ helps the concept of redundancy. For an instance, a network with multiple interconnected paths among the nodes inherently has path redundancy.
To estimate path redundancy, we need to determine the number of alternative paths available among any two nodes in the network. This can be completed by:
Example: Counting Paths between Two Nodes
int countPaths(int startNode, int endNode) {
std::vector<bool> visited(getParentModule()->getSubmoduleVectorSize(“node”), false);
return countPathsUtil(startNode, endNode, visited);
int countPathsUtil(int currentNode, int endNode, std::vector<bool>& visited) {
visited[currentNode] = true;
if (currentNode == endNode) {
visited[currentNode] = false;
return 1;
int pathCount = 0;
cModule* node = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, currentNode);
for (cModule::GateIterator it(node); !it.end(); ++it) {
cGate *gate = *it;
if (gate->isConnected() && !visited[gate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule()->getIndex()]) {
pathCount += countPathsUtil(gate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule()->getIndex(), endNode, visited);
visited[currentNode] = false;
return pathCount;
Resource redundancy is defined to the number of backup resources available. For example, if a node has two backup nodes that can take over its function in case of failure, the redundancy is 2.
Example: Counting Backup Nodes
int countBackupNodes(int nodeId) {
int backupCount = 0;
cModule* node = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, nodeId);
for (cModule::GateIterator it(node); !it.end(); ++it) {
cGate *gate = *it;
if (gate->isConnected()) {
cModule* connectedNode = gate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule();
// Check if connectedNode can serve as a backup
if (isBackupNode(connectedNode)) {
return backupCount;
bool isBackupNode(cModule* node) {
// Implement logic to determine if a node can be a backup
return true; // Placeholder: Assume all connected nodes are potential backups
We need to aggregate the redundancy metrics across the entire network to get an overall redundancy score. This could be an average number of paths per node pair or the total number of backup resources.
Example: Aggregating Path Redundancy
double calculateAveragePathRedundancy() {
int totalPaths = 0;
int nodeCount = getParentModule()->getSubmoduleVectorSize(“node”);
for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < nodeCount; j++) {
totalPaths += countPaths(i, j);
int totalNodePairs = nodeCount * (nodeCount – 1) / 2;
return (double)totalPaths / totalNodePairs;
To measure the network redundancy, we need to emit the calculated metrics as signals or record them as scalar values.
simsignal_t pathRedundancySignal;
void initialize() override {
pathRedundancySignal = registerSignal(“pathRedundancy”);
void finish() override {
double averagePathRedundancy = calculateAveragePathRedundancy();
emit(pathRedundancySignal, averagePathRedundancy);
recordScalar(“Average Path Redundancy”, averagePathRedundancy);
After running simulation, use OMNeT++’s analysis tools to investigate the redundancy metrics. This analysis can support to understand how robust network is against failures and how well it can handle functionality when parts of the network are compromised.
Example Scenario
Below is the complete example of calculating network redundancy in OMNeT++:
class NetworkNode : public cSimpleModule {
simsignal_t pathRedundancySignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
pathRedundancySignal = registerSignal(“pathRedundancy”);
virtual void finish() override {
double averagePathRedundancy = calculateAveragePathRedundancy();
emit(pathRedundancySignal, averagePathRedundancy);
recordScalar(“Average Path Redundancy”, averagePathRedundancy);
int countPaths(int startNode, int endNode) {
std::vector<bool> visited(getParentModule()->getSubmoduleVectorSize(“node”), false);
return countPathsUtil(startNode, endNode, visited);
int countPathsUtil(int currentNode, int endNode, std::vector<bool>& visited) {
visited[currentNode] = true;
if (currentNode == endNode) {
visited[currentNode] = false;
return 1;
int pathCount = 0;
cModule* node = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, currentNode);
for (cModule::GateIterator it(node); !it.end(); ++it) {
cGate *gate = *it;
if (gate->isConnected() && !visited[gate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule()->getIndex()]) {
pathCount += countPathsUtil(gate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule()->getIndex(), endNode, visited);
visited[currentNode] = false;
return pathCount;
double calculateAveragePathRedundancy() {
int totalPaths = 0;
int nodeCount = getParentModule()->getSubmoduleVectorSize(“node”);
for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < nodeCount; j++) {
totalPaths += countPaths(i, j);
int totalNodePairs = nodeCount * (nodeCount – 1) / 2;
return (double)totalPaths / totalNodePairs;
Execute the simulation and track the redundancy metrics generated and then asses how the network performs under numerous conditions, like node failures or varying traffic loads.
Share your parameter details with us, and we’ll assist you in calculating network redundancy using the OMNeT++ tool.