To calculate the Received Signal Strength (RSS) in OMNeT++ has encompasses to use the wireless communication models that accessible in frameworks such as INET or MiXiM. The RSS is a defined to evaluate the power level that a receiver’s antenna receives from a transmitter and the OMNeT++can be emulated and computed as part of the physical layer (PHY) model. Below are the brief structured procedures to calculate the RSS in OMNeT++:
Steps-by-Step Implementation:
Example NED File Configuration:
import inet.node.inet.WirelessHost;
network WirelessNetwork {
host[0..9]: WirelessHost {
connections allowunconnected:
host[*].wlan <–> Ieee80211ScalarRadioMedium <–> host[*].wlan;
Example in C++:
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (auto packet = dynamic_cast<inet::Packet *>(msg)) {
auto signal = packet->getTag<inet::SignalPowerInd>();
if (signal) {
double rss = inet::unit::W2dBm(signal->getPower().get());
recordScalar(“Received Signal Strength (dBm)”, rss);
delete msg;
recordScalar(“Received Signal Strength (dBm)”, rss);
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
*.host[*] = 2mW;
*.host[*] = -85dBm;
*.host[*] = 7dB;
*.host[*] = “inet::TwoRayGroundReflection”;
This module permits to estimate and evaluate the received signal strength in your OMNeT++ simulations that delivers the valuable insights into wireless communication performance in network. We plan to elaborate and offer the more information about the received signal strength.
Share your parameter details with us, and we will deliver optimal project performance results regarding Network Received Signal Strength using the OMNeT++ tool