To calculate and evaluating network proxies in OMNeT++ has encompasses to emulate the characteristics of proxy servers in a network. The Proxies act as intermediaries among the clients and servers, usually used for purposes like caching, filtering, load balancing, and security. In OMNeT++, we need to design a proxy and evaluate its impact on network performance, traffic management, and overall efficiency. The below are the procedures on how to calculate the network proxies in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
A network proxy typically:
Generate a network topology where a proxy server sits among the clients and servers using OMNeT++. This proxy will manage the requests from clients and forward them to the proper servers.
Example: Define a Network with a Proxy in NED
network ProxyNetwork {
client[3]: Client; // Three clients
proxy: Proxy; // The proxy server
server[2]: Server; // Two servers
client[0].out++ –>;
client[1].out++ –>;
client[2].out++ –>;
proxy.out++ –> server[0].in++;
proxy.out++ –> server[1].in++;
Apply the logic for the proxy module use of OMNeT++. The proxy should manage the requests from clients, optionally cache responses, and forward requests to servers.
Example: Implementing a Simple Proxy Server
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace omnetpp;
class Proxy : public cSimpleModule {
std::unordered_map<std::string, cMessage*> cache; // Cache for storing responses
int requestsHandled = 0;
int cacheHits = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Determine if the request is in the cache
std::string request = msg->getName();
if (cache.find(request) != cache.end()) {
// Cache hit: return the cached response
cMessage *cachedResponse = cache[request]->dup();
send(cachedResponse, “out”, msg->getArrivalGate()->getIndex());
delete msg;
} else {
// Cache miss: forward the request to the server
send(msg, “out”, intuniform(0, gateSize(“out”) – 1));
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Requests Handled”, requestsHandled);
recordScalar(“Cache Hits”, cacheHits);
Generate traffic from clients that will be retransmitted via the proxy to the servers. The proxy will decide whether to serve the request from its cache or forward it to a server.
Example: Traffic Generation in Clients
class Client : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start generating requests after a delay
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startDelay”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“request”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Send the request to the proxy
send(msg, “out”);
We need to monitor several aspects of the proxy’s performance, such as:
Example: Tracking Processing Delay
class Proxy : public cSimpleModule {
simsignal_t processingDelaySignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
processingDelaySignal = registerSignal(“processingDelay”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
simtime_t startProcessing = simTime();
std::string request = msg->getName();
if (cache.find(request) != cache.end()) {
// Cache hit: return cached response
cMessage *cachedResponse = cache[request]->dup();
send(cachedResponse, “out”, msg->getArrivalGate()->getIndex());
delete msg;
} else {
// Cache miss: forward request to server
send(msg, “out”, intuniform(0, gateSize(“out”) – 1));
simtime_t endProcessing = simTime();
emit(processingDelaySignal, endProcessing – startProcessing);
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Requests Handled”, requestsHandled);
recordScalar(“Cache Hits”, cacheHits);
After running the simulation, measure the efficiency of the proxy based on the metrics we have recorded. Key questions to consider:
For more complex simulations, we might want to:
In this example, the Proxy module intermediates among the clients and servers, caching responses to minimize the delay and server load. By monitoring cache hits, processing delay, and request distribution, we need to measure the proxy’s performance.
network ProxyExample {
client[3]: Client;
proxy: Proxy;
server[2]: Server;
client[0].out++ –>;
client[1].out++ –>;
client[2].out++ –>;
proxy.out++ –> server[0].in++;
proxy.out++ –> server[1].in++;
Use OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools to investigate the recorded metrics, like the number of cache hits, requests handled, and processing delay. This analysis will support to familiarize how well the proxy server is performing and classify any potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
As we discussed earlier about how the network proxies will perform and calculates in OMNeT++ tool that delivers the valuable insights to enhance the network performance among the client and servers. If you want more valuable information regarding the network proxies we will provide that too.
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