To calculate the network outage probability in OMNeT++ has requires to includes defining the likelihood that a network connection or service will fail to meet a specific performance threshold, like a minimum required signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR),signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), or data rate. This metric is especially vital in wireless networks, where changing channel conditions and interference can lead to periods of degraded performance.
Steps to Calculate Network Outage Probability in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Outage Probability Calculation
Given below is an example of how to calculate the network outage probability in OMNeT++:
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class OutageProbabilityModule : public cSimpleModule {
double sinrThreshold; // SINR threshold for outage
int numOutageEvents; // Counter for the number of outages
int numTotalEvents; // Counter for the total number of events
simsignal_t outageProbabilitySignal; // Signal to record outage probability
virtual void initialize() override {
sinrThreshold = par(“sinrThreshold”).doubleValue();
numOutageEvents = 0;
numTotalEvents = 0;
outageProbabilitySignal = registerSignal(“outageProbabilitySignal”);
// Schedule the first SINR check
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“checkInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“checkSINR”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “checkSINR”) == 0) {
// Example SINR value; in practice, this would be calculated based on the channel conditions
double sinr = uniform(0, 20); // Example SINR value in dB
// Check if the SINR is below the threshold (indicating an outage)
if (sinr < sinrThreshold) {
// Calculate and emit the outage probability
double outageProbability = (double)numOutageEvents / numTotalEvents;
emit(outageProbabilitySignal, outageProbability);
EV << “Current SINR: ” << sinr << ” dB, Outage Probability: ” << outageProbability << “\n”;
// Schedule the next SINR check
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“checkInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
} else {
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate the final outage probability
double outageProbability = (double)numOutageEvents / numTotalEvents;
EV << “Final Outage Probability: ” << outageProbability << “\n”;
Additional Considerations:
Throughout this paper, we had demonstrated procedure to calculate the network outage probability in OMNeT++.
Acquire optimal project execution concepts and themes from the researchers and developers at To assess the network performance of your project concerning Network Outage probability using the OMNeT++ tool, please share your parameter details with us, and we will deliver the most favorable results. Our expertise encompasses all aspects related to signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and data rate pertinent to your project.