To calculate Network Mean Slowdown in OMNeT++ has needs to evaluate how much the performance of network tasks like file transfers, packet processing, or message passing is slowed down because of network congestion, delays, or other factors compared to their ideal execution time. The Mean Slowdown metric is particularly useful in evaluating the fairness and efficiency of resource allocation in a network.
Steps to Calculate Network Mean Slowdown in OMNeT++
simtime_t actualStartTime;
simtime_t actualCompletionTime;
simtime_t idealCompletionTime;
simtime_t slowdown = actualCompletionTime / idealCompletionTime;
simtime_t totalSlowdown = 0;
int taskCount = 0;
void onTaskCompleted(simtime_t actualStartTime, simtime_t actualCompletionTime, simtime_t idealCompletionTime) {
simtime_t slowdown = (actualCompletionTime – actualStartTime) / idealCompletionTime;
totalSlowdown += slowdown;
double meanSlowdown = totalSlowdown.dbl() / taskCount;
recordScalar(“Mean Slowdown”, meanSlowdown);
EV << “Mean Slowdown: ” << meanSlowdown << endl;
Example Implementation in OMNeT++
The below is the sample of how to execute the calculation of network mean slowdown in an OMNeT++ module:
class SlowdownCalculator : public cSimpleModule {
simtime_t totalSlowdown;
int taskCount;
virtual void initialize() override {
totalSlowdown = 0;
taskCount = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
// Assume we have recorded the actual start and completion times
simtime_t actualStartTime = pkt->par(“actualStartTime”);
simtime_t actualCompletionTime = simTime(); // Current time is the completion time
// Assume the ideal completion time is stored or calculated
simtime_t idealCompletionTime = pkt->par(“idealCompletionTime”);
// Calculate slowdown
simtime_t slowdown = (actualCompletionTime – actualStartTime) / idealCompletionTime;
totalSlowdown += slowdown;
EV << “Task Slowdown: ” << slowdown << endl;
delete pkt; // Clean up the packet
virtual void finish() override {
if (taskCount > 0) {
double meanSlowdown = totalSlowdown.dbl() / taskCount;
recordScalar(“Mean Slowdown”, meanSlowdown);
EV << “Mean Slowdown: ” << meanSlowdown << endl;
In conclusion, we had executed the Mean Slowdown in OMNeT++ that has analysed the performance of network task. We also offer more information regarding the execution of the Mean Slowdown in alternative simulation tools.
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