To calculate the network load balancing in OMNeT++ includes assessing how evenly the traffic or workload is scattered across the network. Efficient load balancing make sure that no single link or node is overwhelmed while others are underutilized, which helps in enhancing the network’s performance and preventing bottlenecks.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Earlier computing load balancing, we want to describe the metrics that will be used to evaluate it. Common metrics contain:
In the network model, execute mechanisms to track the load on each node or link. This might encompass counting the number of packets processed, the amount of data transmitted, or the processing time used by each node.
Example: Tracking Node Load
class Node : public cSimpleModule {
int packetsProcessed = 0;
double dataProcessed = 0.0; // Total data processed in bytes
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
dataProcessed += msg->getByteLength();
// Process and forward the packet
send(msg, “out”);
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Packets Processed”, packetsProcessed);
recordScalar(“Data Processed (bytes)”, dataProcessed);
As the simulation runs, gather the load data for each node or link. This data will be used to measure the load distribution across the network.
Once we have gathered the load data, we can compute several load balancing metrics.
Example: Calculating Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
double calculateStandardDeviation(const std::vector<double>& loads, double mean) {
double sumSquaredDifferences = 0.0;
for (double load : loads) {
sumSquaredDifferences += std::pow(load – mean, 2);
return std::sqrt(sumSquaredDifferences / loads.size());
double calculateCoefficientOfVariation(double stddev, double mean) {
return (mean == 0.0) ? 0.0 : stddev / mean;
void calculateLoadBalancingMetrics() {
std::vector<double> nodeLoads = getNodeLoads(); // Retrieve loads from all nodes
double totalLoad = 0.0;
for (double load : nodeLoads) {
totalLoad += load;
double meanLoad = totalLoad / nodeLoads.size();
double stddev = calculateStandardDeviation(nodeLoads, meanLoad);
double cov = calculateCoefficientOfVariation(stddev, meanLoad);
EV << “Mean Load: ” << meanLoad << endl;
EV << “Standard Deviation of Load: ” << stddev << endl;
EV << “Coefficient of Variation: ” << cov << endl;
recordScalar(“Mean Load”, meanLoad);
recordScalar(“Load Standard Deviation”, stddev);
recordScalar(“Load Coefficient of Variation”, cov);
If the network exhibits poor load balancing, we might need to execute load balancing algorithms to distribute the load more evenly. Common strategies contain:
Example: Simple Round-Robin Load Balancing
int currentNode = 0;
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
int nextNode = currentNode;
currentNode = (currentNode + 1) % gateSize(“out”); // Move to the next node in round-robin
send(msg, “out”, nextNode);
After running the simulation with load balancing, investigate the distribution of load across the network. The key metrics to consider are:
Compare the load balancing results with a baseline scenario without load balancing to assess the efficiency of the load balancing strategy.
Given below is an example of calculating network load balancing in OMNeT++:
class NetworkNode : public cSimpleModule {
int packetsProcessed = 0;
double dataProcessed = 0.0; // Total data processed in bytes
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
dataProcessed += msg->getByteLength();
// Process and forward the packet
send(msg, “out”);
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Packets Processed”, packetsProcessed);
recordScalar(“Data Processed (bytes)”, dataProcessed);
void calculateLoadBalancingMetrics() {
std::vector<double> nodeLoads = getNodeLoads();
double totalLoad = 0.0;
for (double load : nodeLoads) {
totalLoad += load;
double meanLoad = totalLoad / nodeLoads.size();
double stddev = calculateStandardDeviation(nodeLoads, meanLoad);
double cov = calculateCoefficientOfVariation(stddev, meanLoad);
EV << “Mean Load: ” << meanLoad << endl;
EV << “Standard Deviation of Load: ” << stddev << endl;
EV << “Coefficient of Variation: ” << cov << endl;
recordScalar(“Mean Load”, meanLoad);
recordScalar(“Load Standard Deviation”, stddev);
recordScalar(“Load Coefficient of Variation”, cov);
To analyse the load balancing metrics gathered during the simulation using OMNeT++’s analysis tools. This analysis will support we understand how successfully the load is distributed across the network and whether the load balancing strategy is working as intended.
In conclusion, we had executed comprehensive details to execute and calculate the Network load balancing by using OMNeT++. More informations will be presented this topic in various tools.
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