To calculate the network load balance factor in OMNeT++ encompasses measuring how consistently the network traffic is delivered across distinct nodes or links in the network. The load balance factor can support determine whether some nodes or links are over-utilized while others are under-utilized, which is crucial for optimizing network performance.
Given below is a steps to calculate the network load balance factor in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
The initial step is to describe the metrics that denote the load on each network component like nodes or links. General metrics contain:
We want to change the link or node model to track the load. This could include counting the number of packets or bytes managed by each node.
Example: Tracking Load at Nodes
class MyNode : public cSimpleModule {
int packetCount = 0;
int byteCount = 0;
simsignal_t packetCountSignal;
simsignal_t byteCountSignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
packetCountSignal = registerSignal(“packetCount”);
byteCountSignal = registerSignal(“byteCount”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Track the load
byteCount += msg->getByteLength();
// Emit signals for monitoring
emit(packetCountSignal, packetCount);
emit(byteCountSignal, byteCount);
// Forward the message
send(msg, “out”);
To compute the load balance factor, we want to collect the load data from all related nodes or links and then measure the variance or coefficient of variation (CoV) among them. The CoV is a normal way to measure load balance, as it normalizes the standard deviation by the mean, permitting comparison across dissimilar scales.
Coefficient of Variation (CoV)
The CoV can be calculated as follows:
CoV=σμ\text{CoV} = \frac{\sigma}{\mu}CoV=μσ
At the end of the simulation or periodically during the simulation, compute the mean and standard deviation of the load through all nodes or links, and then calculate the CoV.
Example: Calculating Load Balance Factor
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
class Network : public cSimpleModule {
std::vector<int> nodeLoads;
virtual void finish() override {
void calculateLoadBalanceFactor() {
// Assuming nodeLoads contains the load (e.g., packet count) for each node
int totalLoad = 0;
for (int load : nodeLoads) {
totalLoad += load;
double meanLoad = (double)totalLoad / nodeLoads.size();
double variance = 0.0;
for (int load : nodeLoads) {
variance += pow(load – meanLoad, 2);
variance /= nodeLoads.size();
double standardDeviation = sqrt(variance);
double CoV = standardDeviation / meanLoad;
EV << “Load Balance Factor (CoV): ” << CoV << endl;
void recordNodeLoad(int load) {
In the simulation, make sure that each node reports its load to the central entity like a network controller or base station that will estimate the load balance factor.
void MyNode::finish() {
int load = packetCount; // or byteCount, depending on what you are measuring
Network *network = check_and_cast<Network *>(getParentModule());
After the simulation, the load balance factor (CoV) can be analysed to verify how well the network load is distributed. A lower CoV specifies a more balanced network, while a higher CoV shows greater disparity in load distribution.
If the load balance factor specifies poor load distribution, we might consider executing load balancing algorithms or strategies to optimize the network’s performance.
Example Scenario
Below is a more complete example integrating the above steps:
class MyNode : public cSimpleModule {
int packetCount = 0;
simsignal_t packetCountSignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
packetCountSignal = registerSignal(“packetCount”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
emit(packetCountSignal, packetCount);
send(msg, “out”);
virtual void finish() override {
Network *network = check_and_cast<Network *>(getParentModule());
class Network : public cSimpleModule {
std::vector<int> nodeLoads;
virtual void finish() override {
void calculateLoadBalanceFactor() {
int totalLoad = 0;
for (int load : nodeLoads) {
totalLoad += load;
double meanLoad = (double)totalLoad / nodeLoads.size();
double variance = 0.0;
for (int load : nodeLoads) {
variance += pow(load – meanLoad, 2);
variance /= nodeLoads.size();
double standardDeviation = sqrt(variance);
double CoV = standardDeviation / meanLoad;
EV << “Load Balance Factor (CoV): ” << CoV << endl;
void recordNodeLoad(int load) {
Perform the simulation and analyse the load balance factor. The results can help to find bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the network’s load distribution.
In this setup, we are distributed step-by-step procedure is helps to know how to calculate and analyse the Network Load balance factor in OMNeT++. Further details will be presented as per your needs. offers assistance in evaluating project performance based on the Network Load Balance Factor using the OMNeT++ tool. Our team of expert developers is available to provide guidance. Please share your project details with us so we can support you effectively