To calculate the Network Jitter in OMNeT++ that is nothing but a variation in the time amongst packets arriving due to network congestion, timing drift, or route changes. In OMNeT++, jitter can be computed by estimating the changes in the inter-arrival times of consecutive packets. Follow the offered steps to calculate it in OMNeT++:
Steps to Calculate Network Jitter in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation:
Here’s an example of how to calculate jitter in OMNeT++:
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class JitterModule : public cSimpleModule {
simtime_t lastArrivalTime; // Time when the last packet arrived
double totalJitter; // Sum of jitter values
int packetCount; // Number of packets received
virtual void initialize() override {
lastArrivalTime = SIMTIME_ZERO;
totalJitter = 0.0;
packetCount = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Get the current arrival time
simtime_t currentArrivalTime = simTime();
// If this is not the first packet, calculate jitter
if (packetCount > 0) {
simtime_t interArrivalTime = currentArrivalTime – lastArrivalTime;
double jitter = fabs(interArrivalTime.dbl() – (1.0 / par(“packetRate”).doubleValue()));
totalJitter += jitter;
// Update the last arrival time
lastArrivalTime = currentArrivalTime;
// Process the received packet
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate average jitter
double averageJitter = (packetCount > 1) ? (totalJitter / (packetCount – 1)) : 0.0;
EV << “Total Packets Received: ” << packetCount << “\n”;
EV << “Total Jitter: ” << totalJitter << ” seconds\n”;
EV << “Average Jitter: ” << averageJitter << ” seconds\n”;
Additional Considerations:
From this comprehensive guide, we accumulate the needed information to calculate the network jitter in OMNeT++ including their function which is necessary in this calculation. We will provide you the additional details about this network jitter.
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