To calculate and identify the network hubs in OMNeT++ includes verifying which nodes in a network have the maximum degree of centrality or connectivity. A hub in a network is normally a node with a high number of connections (high degree) or a node that plays a serious role in the overall network structure (high centrality).
Step-by-Step Implementations:
A network hub can be described in various paths based on the metric used:
Make sure that the network is properly set up in OMNeT++ with nodes and connections specified in a .ned file.
Example: Define a Simple Network in NED
network SimpleNetwork {
node[5]: Node; // A network with 5 nodes
node[0].out++ –> node[1].in++;
node[1].out++ –> node[2].in++;
node[2].out++ –> node[3].in++;
node[3].out++ –> node[4].in++;
node[0].out++ –> node[4].in++;
To evaluate degree centrality, we count the number of connections each node has.
Example: Implementing Degree Centrality Calculation
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class Node : public cSimpleModule {
int degree = 0; // Degree centrality
virtual void initialize() override {
// Count the number of connected gates (degree)
for (cModule::GateIterator it(this); !it.end(); ++it) {
cGate *gate = *it;
if (gate->isConnectedOutside()) {
// Record the degree centrality
EV << “Node ” << getIndex() << ” has degree centrality: ” << degree << endl;
recordScalar(“Degree Centrality”, degree);
The nodes with the highest degree centrality can be identified as hubs after running the simulation.
If we need to estimate more advanced centrality metrics like betweenness or closeness, we may want to implement further logic to calculate shortest paths and examine the role of each node in those paths.
Example: Conceptual Overview for Betweenness Centrality
Betweenness centrality is evaluated by determining how often a node appears on the shortest path among any two other nodes. To compute this:
Example: Conceptual Overview for Closeness Centrality
Closeness centrality is computed as the reciprocal of the sum of the shortest path distances from a node to all other nodes in the network:
After calculating centrality metrics, use OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools or transfer the data to further analyse the network’s structure. Nodes with the maximum centrality values can be considered as hubs.
Given below is a set-up where we calculate degree centrality and identify the hubs in a simple network:
network HubExample {
node[6]: Node;
node[0].out++ –> node[1].in++;
node[1].out++ –> node[2].in++;
node[2].out++ –> node[3].in++;
node[3].out++ –> node[4].in++;
node[4].out++ –> node[5].in++;
node[5].out++ –> node[0].in++; // Creates a cycle
node[0].out++ –> node[2].in++; // Node 0 connects to multiple nodes
After running the simulation, analysis the scalar data for degree centrality. The nodes with the maximum degree centrality are the hubs.
In the above informations, we are learned and get knowledge through the procedure to calculate and analyse the Network Hubs using OMNeT++. More comprehensive informations will be provided depends on your desires. help you in calculating the project performance on network hubs in OMNeT++ tool we have a leading developer’s guidance to assist you back, share with us your project details to help you out.