To calculate the network governance in OMNeT++ encompasses evaluating how well the network is handled according to policies, control mechanisms and procedures. Network governance includes a range of activities, with enforcing security policies, monitoring compliance, handling network resources, and make sure that all network operations align with structural or regulatory standards.
We guide you to assess Network Governance using the OMNeT++ tool for your project, please provide our developers with the relevant parameter details. We will conduct a comparison and share the optimal results with you. If you are seeking innovative project ideas and topics in this field, we are here to assist you.
The following is a simple procedure to execute and calculate network governance in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Network governance denotes to the frameworks and processes that make sure the network operates according to particular rules and procedures. Key features contain:
In OMNeT++, make a network topology with nodes that denote governance points, like monitoring systems, routers, and firewalls. These nodes will be responsible for applying policies, monitoring compliance, and reporting on governance.
Example: Define a Network with Governance Points in NED
network GovernanceNetwork {
client: Client;
firewall: GovernanceFirewall; // Firewall with governance enforcement
server: Server;
monitor: GovernanceMonitor; // Node for monitoring and reporting
client.out++ –>;
firewall.out++ –>;
server.out++ –>;
In the OMNeT++ modules signifying the governance points like a firewall or a monitor, execute logic to enforce policies, monitor compliance, and manage resources.
Example: Implementing Governance in a Firewall
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class GovernanceFirewall : public cSimpleModule {
int compliantPackets = 0;
int nonCompliantPackets = 0;
int totalPackets = 0;
std::ofstream governanceLogFile;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Open a governance log file to store the governance records“governance_log.txt”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Check if the packet complies with governance policies
if (isCompliant(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”); // Allow the packet through
logGovernanceEvent(msg, “Compliant”);
} else {
logGovernanceEvent(msg, “Non-compliant”);
delete msg; // Drop the non-compliant packet
bool isCompliant(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement your governance check logic here
// Example: Check if the message type or content complies with the policy
return strcmp(msg->getName(), “compliantRequest”) == 0;
void logGovernanceEvent(cMessage *msg, const char *status) {
// Get the simulation time and the module’s name
simtime_t currentTime = simTime();
const char *moduleName = getFullPath().c_str();
// Log the event to the governance log file
governanceLogFile << currentTime << ” – ” << moduleName << ” – ” << status << “: ” << msg->getName() << std::endl;
// Optionally, log to the simulation output
EV << currentTime << ” – ” << moduleName << ” – ” << status << “: ” << msg->getName() << std::endl;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record governance statistics
recordScalar(“Compliant Packets”, compliantPackets);
recordScalar(“Non-compliant Packets”, nonCompliantPackets);
recordScalar(“Total Packets”, totalPackets);
// Close the governance log file at the end of the simulation
Furthermore to enforcing policies, governance needs monitoring and reporting on the state of the network. Execute a module that often verifies for compliance and resource usage, and reports any incidents or violations.
Example: Implementing a Governance Monitor
class GovernanceMonitor : public cSimpleModule {
int incidentsReported = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Simulate periodic reporting
if (isIncident(msg)) {
EV << “Governance incident reported: ” << msg->getName() << std::endl;
bool isIncident(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement logic to detect incidents, such as policy violations or resource overuse
return strcmp(msg->getName(), “nonCompliantRequest”) == 0;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record incident statistics
recordScalar(“Incidents Reported”, incidentsReported);
Make traffic from the client to the server over the governance firewall and monitor. The firewall will implement governance policies, and the monitor will log and report any incidents.
Example: Traffic Simulation with Governance Enforcement
class Client : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start generating both compliant and non-compliant requests
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“compliantRequest”));
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue() + 1, new cMessage(“nonCompliantRequest”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Send the request to the firewall for governance checking
send(msg, “out”);
The logs and metrics made by the governance points can be evaluated to measure the network’s adherence to governance policies. Key metrics contain:
Example: Calculating Compliance Rate
class GovernanceFirewall : public cSimpleModule {
int compliantPackets = 0;
int nonCompliantPackets = 0;
int totalPackets = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (isCompliant(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”);
} else {
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
double complianceRate = (double)compliantPackets / totalPackets * 100.0;
recordScalar(“Compliance Rate (%)”, complianceRate);
After running the simulation, examine the effectiveness of network governance by assessing:
For more complete network governance, we might need to:
In this example, the GovernanceFirewall module logs and enforces compliance on each packet passing over it. Compliance metrics like the number of compliant and non-compliant packets, along with incident reports, are recorded and evaluated. The GovernanceMonitor module detects and reports any governance incidents.
network GovernanceExample {
client: Client;
firewall: GovernanceFirewall;
server: cModule;
monitor: GovernanceMonitor;
client.out++ –>;
firewall.out++ –>;
server.out++ –>;
To analyse the recorded governance metrics, like incident reports, resource utilization and compliance rate. This analysis will help to know how well the network adheres to governance policies and where improvements may be wanted.
Finally, we had executed the step-by-step process is supports to implement and calculate the Network Governance in OMNeT++. More details will be offered according to your desires.