To calculate the network energy utilization in OMNeT++ has needs to encompass following the energy consumption of network nodes like sensors, routers during the simulation. This is usually needs using or extending existing modules to observe energy usage as nodes transmit, receive, and process data.
The given steps are helps to calculate network energy utilization in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
NED File Example:
import inet.power.simple.SimpleBattery;
import inet.power.consumer.EnergyConsumer;
module Node
battery: SimpleBattery {
capacity = 10000mAh; // define battery capacity
energyConsumer: EnergyConsumer {
consumptionRate = 0.001W; // define power consumption rate
// define connections
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
*.node[*].battery.capacity = 5000mAh
*.node[*].energyConsumer.consumptionRate = 0.001W
Energy Consumed=Power Consumption×Time\text{Energy Consumed} = \text{Power Consumption} \times \text{Time}Energy Consumed=Power Consumption×Time
double txEnergy = txPowerConsumption * txDuration;
double rxEnergy = rxPowerConsumption * rxDuration;
double idleEnergy = idlePowerConsumption * idleDuration;
double totalEnergyConsumed = txEnergy + rxEnergy + idleEnergy;
double networkEnergyUtilization = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
networkEnergyUtilization += nodes[i].getTotalEnergyConsumed();
double averageEnergyUtilization = networkEnergyUtilization / numNodes;
recordScalar(“Total Network Energy Utilization”, networkEnergyUtilization);
recordScalar(“Average Node Energy Utilization”, averageEnergyUtilization);
Example Output in omnetpp.ini:
To get outputs related to energy consumption:
Finally, we are know the concepts and steps to calculate the Energy Utilization in OMNeT++ using INET or MiXiM framework. We will offer more ideas and informations depends on your needs.