To calculate the network energy efficiency in OMNeT++ has requires to contain measuring how efficiently the network uses energy to achieve its tasks, like transmitting and receiving data. Energy efficiency is specifically vital in wireless sensor networks, where nodes usually operate on limited battery power.
Steps to Calculate Network Energy Efficiency in OMNeT++:
Example Implementation: Energy Efficiency in a Wireless Sensor Network
The following is an example of how to calculate network energy efficiency in OMNeT++:
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/power/storage/SimpleEpEnergyStorage.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class SensorNode : public cSimpleModule {
SimpleEpEnergyStorage *energyStorage; // Energy storage module
int totalDataTransmitted; // Total data transmitted in bits
double totalEnergyConsumed; // Total energy consumed in Joules
virtual void initialize() override {
energyStorage = check_and_cast<SimpleEpEnergyStorage *>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“energyStorage”));
totalDataTransmitted = 0;
totalEnergyConsumed = 0.0;
// Schedule the first activity (e.g., sensing or transmitting)
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“activityInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“activity”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “activity”) == 0) {
// Simulate data transmission
int dataSize = par(“dataSize”).intValue(); // in bits
totalDataTransmitted += dataSize;
// Simulate energy consumption due to activity (e.g., transmitting)
double energyConsumed = par(“energyConsumptionPerActivity”).doubleValue();
totalEnergyConsumed += energyConsumed;
EV << “Node ” << getId() << ” transmitted ” << dataSize << ” bits, consumed ” << energyConsumed << ” J\n”;
// Check if the node has run out of energy
if (energyStorage->getResidualEnergyCapacity() <= 0) {
EV << “Node ” << getId() << ” has depleted its energy and is now inactive.\n”;
cancelAndDelete(msg); // Stop further activities
} else {
// Schedule the next activity
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“activityInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
virtual void finish() override {
// Calculate and log energy efficiency
double energyEfficiency = (totalEnergyConsumed > 0) ? totalDataTransmitted / totalEnergyConsumed : 0.0;
EV << “Total Data Transmitted: ” << totalDataTransmitted << ” bits\n”;
EV << “Total Energy Consumed: ” << totalEnergyConsumed << ” Joules\n”;
EV << “Energy Efficiency: ” << energyEfficiency << ” bits/J\n”;
Additional Considerations:
Over this paper, we are provided to measuring how efficiently the network uses energy to achieve its tasks and calculate Network Energy Efficiency in OMNeT++. We are offer further insights into the network energy efficiency in various tools.
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