To calculate the network energy consumption in OMNeT++ has contains following the energy usage of nodes over time as they perform numerous network operations, like transmitting, idling, processing and receiving. This is especially important in wireless sensor networks, IoT applications, and mobile networks, where energy efficiency is critical.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Network energy consumption denotes to the entire energy used by the nodes in the network for:
In OMNeT++, make a network topology that contains nodes with energy models. These nodes will consume energy based on their activities, and the whole consumption will be traced.
Example: Define a Simple Network with Energy-Aware Nodes in NED
network EnergyConsumptionNetwork {
node[10]: EnergyAwareNode; // Array of 10 nodes with energy models
We require to track the energy consumed by individual node as it receives, processes data, transmits, along with during idle periods.
Example: Implementing Energy Consumption Tracking
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class EnergyAwareNode : public cSimpleModule {
double initialEnergy = 10000.0; // Initial energy in Joules
double energy = initialEnergy;
double transmissionPower = 0.5; // Power in Watts (W)
double receptionPower = 0.3; // Power in Watts (W)
double idlePower = 0.1; // Power in Watts (W)
double processingPower = 0.2; // Power in Watts (W)
simtime_t lastUpdateTime;
virtual void initialize() override {
lastUpdateTime = simTime();
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, new cMessage(“energyUpdate”)); // Periodic energy update
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Update energy consumption based on time passed since the last update
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendPacket”) == 0) {
consumeEnergy(transmissionPower, 1); // Assume sending takes 1 second
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “receivePacket”) == 0) {
consumeEnergy(receptionPower, 1); // Assume receiving takes 1 second
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “processData”) == 0) {
consumeEnergy(processingPower, 0.5); // Assume processing takes 0.5 seconds
// Schedule the next energy update
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, msg);
void updateEnergyConsumption() {
simtime_t elapsedTime = simTime() – lastUpdateTime;
consumeEnergy(idlePower, elapsedTime.dbl()); // Idle consumption during elapsed time
lastUpdateTime = simTime();
void consumeEnergy(double power, double duration) {
double energyConsumed = power * duration; // Energy = Power * Time
energy -= energyConsumed;
EV << “Node ” << getFullPath() << ” consumed ” << energyConsumed << ” Joules, remaining energy: ” << energy << ” Joules” << std::endl;
if (energy <= 0) {
EV << “Node ” << getFullPath() << ” has depleted its energy!” << std::endl;
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Remaining Energy”, energy);
double energyUsed = initialEnergy – energy;
recordScalar(“Total Energy Consumed”, energyUsed);
Run the simulation, permitting nodes to execute many network activities like idling, processing, receiving and sending. The energy consumption for each activity will be tracked and removed from the node’s total energy reserve.
The total energy consumed by each node and the balancing energy will be recorded as scalar values after running the simulation. We can use OMNeT++’s analysis tools to analyse these values and know the network’s energy efficiency.
For additional detailed analysis, we can:
In this example, the EnergyAwareNode module estimates the energy consumed during reception, processing, idling, and transmission. The balance energy and total energy consumed are recorded as scalar results.
network EnergyConsumptionExample {
node[10]: EnergyAwareNode; // Array of 10 nodes with energy models
Use the scalar results recorded during the simulation to analyse the energy consumption. We can design the results to see how energy usage differs across several nodes or how it changes over time.
Over this page, we are provided necessary details about network energy components, and implement to calculate network energy consumption using the tool OMNeT++. We will offer further informations as per your requests. Get best simulation guidance from