To calculate the download rate in OMNeT++ has includes evaluating the amount of information successfully received over a network connection during a particular time period. The download rate is characteristically uttered in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second (Bps). To calculate this metric, we need to monitor the amount of data received by a node and the time interval over which this data is received. The below are the step-by-procedures to implement the network download rate in OMNeT++:
Steps to Calculate Download Rate in OMNeT++
long totalBytesReceived = 0; // To track total data received
simtime_t startTime;
startTime = simTime();
void onPacketReceived(cPacket *pkt) {
totalBytesReceived += pkt->getByteLength(); // Add the size of the received packet to the total
simtime_t endTime = simTime();
simtime_t totalTime = endTime – startTime;
double downloadRate = (totalBytesReceived * 8) / totalTime.dbl(); // Download rate in bps
double downloadRateBps = totalBytesReceived / totalTime.dbl(); // Download rate in Bps
recordScalar(“Download Rate (bps)”, downloadRate);
EV << “Download Rate: ” << downloadRate << ” bps” << endl;
Example Implementation in OMNeT++
The below is the instance of how to implement the download rate calculation in an OMNeT++ module:
class DownloadNode : public cSimpleModule {
long totalBytesReceived;
simtime_t startTime;
simtime_t endTime;
double downloadRate;
virtual void initialize() override {
totalBytesReceived = 0;
startTime = simTime(); // Start tracking from the beginning of the simulation
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
// Update the total data received
// Handle the packet (process, store, etc.)
// …
delete pkt; // Clean up the packet
void onPacketReceived(cPacket *pkt) {
totalBytesReceived += pkt->getByteLength();
virtual void finish() override {
endTime = simTime();
simtime_t totalTime = endTime – startTime;
downloadRate = (totalBytesReceived * 8) / totalTime.dbl(); // Download rate in bps
recordScalar(“Download Rate (bps)”, downloadRate);
EV << “Download Rate: ” << downloadRate << ” bps” << endl;
In the above simulation, we had gained the knowledge on how to calculate and analyse the network download rate in the particular time period uisng OMNeT++ tool. We will intend to offer how the network download rate will simulate in other scenarios. help you in networking comparison analysis drop us your parameter details for more guidance.