To calculate the network DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) management in OMNeT++ encompasses mimicking the procedures used to dynamically assign IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices on the network. Successful DHCP management make sure that devices can faultlessly add the network with the right configuration, decreasing conflicts and make sure effective use of IP address space.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
DHCP management contains numerous key activities:
Make a network topology that contains a DHCP server and clients that will request IP addresses.
Example: Define a Network with DHCP Management in NED
network DHCPManagementNetwork {
dhcpServer: DHCPServer; // Server responsible for IP address allocation
router: Router;
client1: Client;
client2: Client;
client1.out++ –>;
client2.out++ –>;
router.out++ –>;
In the OMNeT++ module denoting the DHCP server, execute logic to manage DHCP requests, allocate IP addresses, and manage leases.
Example: Implementing a DHCP Server
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
using namespace omnetpp;
class DHCPServer : public cSimpleModule {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, simtime_t>> dhcpTable; // MAC address to (IP address, lease time)
int ipAddressPool = 100; // Example IP address pool size
int allocatedIPCount = 0;
std::ofstream dhcpLogFile;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Open a log file to store DHCP allocation records“dhcp_log.txt”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Handle DHCP requests from clients
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “dhcpRequest”) == 0) {
std::string macAddress = msg->par(“macAddress”).stringValue();
std::string ipAddress = allocateIPAddress(macAddress);
simtime_t leaseTime = simTime() + 3600; // 1 hour lease time
dhcpTable[macAddress] = std::make_pair(ipAddress, leaseTime);
logDHCPAllocation(macAddress, ipAddress, leaseTime);
sendDHCPResponse(msg, ipAddress, leaseTime);
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “dhcpRelease”) == 0) {
std::string macAddress = msg->par(“macAddress”).stringValue();
std::string allocateIPAddress(const std::string& macAddress) {
// Check if the MAC address already has an IP address assigned
if (dhcpTable.find(macAddress) != dhcpTable.end()) {
return dhcpTable[macAddress].first;
// Generate a new IP address (simple example, incrementing last octet)
std::string newIPAddress = “192.168.1.” + std::to_string(allocatedIPCount + 1);
return newIPAddress;
void sendDHCPResponse(cMessage *requestMsg, const std::string& ipAddress, simtime_t leaseTime) {
// Create a response message with the allocated IP address and lease time
cMessage *responseMsg = new cMessage(“dhcpResponse”);
responseMsg->addPar(“ipAddress”) = ipAddress.c_str();
responseMsg->addPar(“leaseTime”) = leaseTime.dbl();
send(responseMsg, “out”);
delete requestMsg;
void releaseIPAddress(const std::string& macAddress) {
// Release the IP address assigned to the MAC address
if (dhcpTable.find(macAddress) != dhcpTable.end()) {
EV << “Released IP address for MAC: ” << macAddress << std::endl;
void logDHCPAllocation(const std::string& macAddress, const std::string& ipAddress, simtime_t leaseTime) {
// Log the DHCP allocation to the file
simtime_t currentTime = simTime();
dhcpLogFile << currentTime << ” – ” << “MAC: ” << macAddress << ” – IP: ” << ipAddress << ” – Lease Time: ” << leaseTime << std::endl;
EV << “Allocated IP ” << ipAddress << ” to MAC ” << macAddress << ” with lease time ” << leaseTime << std::endl;
virtual void finish() override {
// Close the DHCP log file at the end of the simulation
// Record the number of IP addresses assigned
recordScalar(“Total IP Addresses Allocated”, allocatedIPCount);
Execute a client module that sends DHCP needs to the DHCP server and receives the assigned IP addresses and lease times.
Example: Implementing a Client
class Client : public cSimpleModule {
std::string macAddress;
std::string assignedIPAddress;
simtime_t leaseTime;
virtual void initialize() override {
// Assign a unique MAC address to the client (for simplicity, use module name)
macAddress = getName();
// Request an IP address from the DHCP server
void requestDHCP() {
cMessage *requestMsg = new cMessage(“dhcpRequest”);
requestMsg->addPar(“macAddress”) = macAddress.c_str();
send(requestMsg, “out”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “dhcpResponse”) == 0) {
// Receive the assigned IP address and lease time
assignedIPAddress = msg->par(“ipAddress”).stringValue();
leaseTime = msg->par(“leaseTime”).doubleValue();
EV << “Client ” << macAddress << ” received IP address: ” << assignedIPAddress << ” with lease time: ” << leaseTime << std::endl;
delete msg;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record the assigned IP address and lease time for analysis
recordScalar((“Assigned IP for ” + macAddress).c_str(), assignedIPAddress.c_str());
recordScalar((“Lease Time for ” + macAddress).c_str(), leaseTime.dbl());
Generate DHCP requests from the clients and observe how the DHCP server assigns IP addresses, manages leases, and handles IP address releases.
Example: Traffic Simulation with DHCP Requests
Copy code
class Client : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start the process by requesting an IP address
void requestDHCP() {
cMessage *requestMsg = new cMessage(“dhcpRequest”);
send(requestMsg, “out”);
The logs and metrics generated by the DHCP server and clients can be analysed to measure the efficiency of the DHCP management process. Key metrics contain:
Example: Calculating IP Address Allocation Time and Lease Utilization
class DHCPServer : public cSimpleModule {
int totalIPAddresses = 100; // Assuming a fixed pool of 100 IP addresses
int allocatedIPAddresses = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “dhcpRequest”) == 0) {
// Handle DHCP request…
virtual void finish() override {
double utilization = (double)allocatedIPAddresses / totalIPAddresses * 100.0;
recordScalar(“IP Address Utilization (%)”, utilization);
Analyse the effectiveness of the DHCP management process by assessing after running the simulation,:
For extra complete DHCP management, we might need to:
In the given example, the DHCPServer module manages DHCP requests from clients, assigns IP addresses, handles leases, and the DHCP management process is logged and analysed.
network DHCPManagementExample {
dhcpServer: DHCPServer;
router: Router;
client1: Client;
client2: Client;
client1.out++ –>;
client2.out++ –>;
router.out++ –>;
To observe the recorded DHCP management metrics, like IP address allocation times, lease utilization, and the overall success of the DHCP management process by using OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools. This analysis will support to know how efficiently the network manages its IP address space and leases.
From the above details, we are comprehensively shown the process and examples to calculate the Network DHCP Management using OMNeT++. We will distribute further details based on your requirements. will assist you with the Network DHCP Management in omnet++ tool for your project, so please provide us with your parameter information. We continue to monitor network project performance based on your criteria by comparing parameter data.