To calculate and evaluating a Network Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in OMNeT++ encompasses mimicking the architecture and performance of a DMZ, which is a physical or logical sub network that splits an internal local area network (LAN) from untrusted external networks, like the internet. It is constructed to insert an extra layer of security to the internal network by showing services to the external network while protecting the internal network.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
A DMZ normally:
Generate a network topology where a DMZ is placed among the external network like the internet and the internal network such as a corporate LAN in OMNeT++. The DMZ will usually be divided from both networks by firewalls.
Example: Define a Network with a DMZ in NED
network DMZNetwork {
externalNetwork: ExternalNetwork; // Represents the internet or external network
dmz: DMZ; // The DMZ containing public servers
internalNetwork: InternalNetwork; // The internal network to be protected
firewall1: Firewall; // Firewall between external network and DMZ
firewall2: Firewall; // Firewall between DMZ and internal network
externalNetwork.out++ –>;
firewall1.out++ –>;
dmz.out++ –>;
firewall2.out++ –>;
In the DMZ, we can place public-facing servers like web servers that want to be available from the external network. The firewalls control and filter traffic among the external network, DMZ, and internal network.
Example: Implementing a Simple DMZ
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class DMZServer : public cSimpleModule {
int requestsHandled = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Handle incoming requests
EV << “Request handled by DMZ server.” << endl;
// Simulate processing delay
simtime_t processingTime = par(“processingDelay”).doubleValue();
scheduleAt(simTime() + processingTime, msg);
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Requests Handled”, requestsHandled);
Make traffic from the external network that targets services presented in the DMZ. The firewall would permit only specific kinds of traffic like HTTP, HTTPS to reach the DMZ servers, while blocking others.
Example: Traffic Simulation in the External Network
class ExternalNetworkNode : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Start generating requests after a delay
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“sendInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“httpRequest”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Send the request to the DMZ server via the firewall
send(msg, “out”);
The firewalls should perform rules to filter traffic based on protocols, ports, or source/destination addresses. For example, a firewall might permit HTTP and HTTPS traffic but block all other kinds.
Example: Implementing Firewall Rules
class Firewall : public cSimpleModule {
int packetsAllowed = 0;
int packetsBlocked = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
// Apply filtering rules
if (isAllowed(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”);
} else {
EV << “Packet blocked by firewall.” << endl;
delete msg; // Block the packet
bool isAllowed(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement your filtering rules here
// Example: Allow only HTTP/HTTPS traffic
return strcmp(msg->getName(), “httpRequest”) == 0;
virtual void finish() override {
// Record firewall performance metrics
recordScalar(“Packets Allowed”, packetsAllowed);
recordScalar(“Packets Blocked”, packetsBlocked);
We can watch several aspects of the DMZ and firewall performance, like:
Example: Monitoring DMZ and Firewall Metrics
class DMZServer : public cSimpleModule {
int requestsHandled = 0;
simsignal_t processingDelaySignal;
virtual void initialize() override {
processingDelaySignal = registerSignal(“processingDelay”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
simtime_t startProcessing = simTime();
// Simulate processing delay
simtime_t processingTime = par(“processingDelay”).doubleValue();
scheduleAt(simTime() + processingTime, msg);
simtime_t endProcessing = simTime();
emit(processingDelaySignal, endProcessing – startProcessing);
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Requests Handled”, requestsHandled);
Examine the effectiveness of the DMZ setup after running the simulation:
In the below example, the DMZ module encompasses public-facing servers that manage requests from the external network, while firewalls control traffic among the external network, DMZ, and internal network. The performance of the DMZ and firewalls is monitored through metrics like processing delay, packets blocked and packets allowed.
network DMZExample {
externalNetwork: ExternalNetworkNode;
firewall1: Firewall;
dmzServer: DMZServer;
firewall2: Firewall;
internalNetwork: cModule;
externalNetwork.out++ –>;
firewall1.out++ –>;
dmzServer.out++ –>;
firewall2.out++ –>;
To observe the recorded metrics, like the number of packets allowed and blocked by the firewalls, requests managed by the DMZ servers, and the processing delay by using OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools. This analysis will help to know how well the DMZ architecture is performing in terms of security and effectiveness.
In this setup, we are known and develop knowledge about how to implement Network Demilitarized zone using OMNeT++. We will offer further informations about this topic based on your requests.
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