To calculate the network delay variance in OMNeT++ has needs to evaluate the variability in the time it takes for packets to travel from their source to their destination and the Delay variances also known as jitter and the jitter is an significant parameter for familiarizing the consistency of packet delivery times in a network especially in critical for real-time applications such as VoIP and video streaming.
Steps to Calculate Network Delay Variance in OMNeT++
simtime_t packetDelay = receiveTime – sendTime;
std::vector<simtime_t> delays;
simtime_t meanDelay = 0;
for (auto &delay : delays) {
meanDelay += delay;
meanDelay /= delays.size();
simtime_t variance = 0;
for (auto &delay : delays) {
variance += pow(delay – meanDelay, 2);
variance /= delays.size();
recordScalar(“Delay Variance (s^2)”, variance.dbl());
EV << “Delay Variance: ” << variance << ” s^2″ << endl;
Example Implementation in OMNeT++
The below is the sample snippets to implement the calculation of network delay variance in an OMNeT++ module:
class DelayVarianceCalculator : public cSimpleModule {
std::vector<simtime_t> delays; // Store delays of all received packets
virtual void initialize() override {
// Initialization code
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
// Record the delay for the current packet
simtime_t sendTime = pkt->getCreationTime(); // Assuming send time is stored in creation time
simtime_t receiveTime = simTime();
simtime_t packetDelay = receiveTime – sendTime;
// Process the packet further if necessary
delete pkt; // Clean up the packet
virtual void finish() override {
if (delays.empty()) {
EV << “No delays recorded. Variance cannot be calculated.” << endl;
// Calculate mean delay
simtime_t meanDelay = 0;
for (auto &delay : delays) {
meanDelay += delay;
meanDelay /= delays.size();
// Calculate delay variance
simtime_t variance = 0;
for (auto &delay : delays) {
variance += pow(delay – meanDelay, 2);
variance /= delays.size();
// Record the delay variance
recordScalar(“Delay Variance (s^2)”, variance.dbl());
EV << “Delay Variance: ” << variance << ” s^2″ << endl;
Use Cases:
In the conclusion, we evaluate and analyse the delay variance in the transmitted network packets using the OMNeT++. If you have any query related to the network delay variance we will provide that too.
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