To calculate the network coverage reliability in OMNeT++ has encompasses measuring how constantly the network offers coverage to a particular area or set of nodes over time. Coverage reliability is vital in networks where continuous connectivity is essential, like in mobile networks, wireless communication systems, and sensor networks.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Network coverage reliability denotes to the probability that a given area or set of nodes remains in the communication range of one or more network nodes over a specific period. Key factors that affect coverage reliability contain:
Generate a network topology that contains potential node failures, or dynamic environmental, mobile nodes conditions that might affect coverage in OMNeT++,.
Example: Define a Network with Mobility and Failures in NED
network CoverageReliabilityNetwork {
baseStation: BaseStation;
node[10]: WirelessNode; // Array of 10 wireless nodes
We require to compute how often the coverage area remains covered over time, considering potential node mobility and failures.
Example: Implementing Coverage Reliability Calculation
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace omnetpp;
class CoverageReliability : public cSimpleModule {
double coverageRadius = 100.0; // Example communication range radius
double areaWidth = 500.0; // Width of the area
double areaHeight = 500.0; // Height of the area
int gridResolution = 10; // Grid resolution for area coverage calculation
int totalTimeSteps = 1000; // Total time steps to simulate
int coveredTimeSteps = 0; // Number of time steps where the area is fully covered
virtual void initialize() override {
// Schedule the first coverage check
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, new cMessage(“checkCoverage”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “checkCoverage”) == 0) {
// Check area coverage at the current time step
if (calculateAreaCoverage() >= 95.0) { // Assuming 95% coverage as reliable
// Schedule the next coverage check
if (simTime() < totalTimeSteps) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1.0, msg);
} else {
delete msg;
double calculateAreaCoverage() {
int coveredPoints = 0;
int totalPoints = 0;
// Iterate over a grid of points in the area
for (double x = 0; x <= areaWidth; x += gridResolution) {
for (double y = 0; y <= areaHeight; y += gridResolution) {
if (isPointCovered(x, y)) {
return (double)coveredPoints / totalPoints * 100.0;
bool isPointCovered(double x, double y) {
// Check if the point (x, y) is within the coverage radius of any node
for (int i = 0; i < getParentModule()->par(“numNodes”); i++) {
cModule *node = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“node”, i);
double nodeX = node->par(“x”);
double nodeY = node->par(“y”);
double distance = sqrt(pow(x – nodeX, 2) + pow(y – nodeY, 2));
if (distance <= coverageRadius) {
return true;
return false;
void calculateCoverageReliability() {
double reliability = (double)coveredTimeSteps / totalTimeSteps * 100.0;
EV << “Coverage Reliability: ” << reliability << “%” << std::endl;
recordScalar(“Coverage Reliability”, reliability);
In the OMNeT++ simulation, permit the nodes to move (if applicable) or fail along with a model to define. The CoverageReliability module will periodically verify the coverage and track how reliable it is over time.
Example: Node Mobility Implementation
class WirelessNode : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Schedule the first mobility event
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“mobilityInterval”).doubleValue(), new cMessage(“move”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “move”) == 0) {
// Randomly move the node within the area
double x = uniform(0, 500); // Example for 500×500 area
double y = uniform(0, 500);
// Schedule the next mobility event
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“mobilityInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
The logs and metrics made by the CoverageReliability module can be analysed to evaluate how reliably the network covers the area over time.
For further complete coverage reliability analysis, we might need to:
In the below example, the CoverageReliability module determines the coverage reliability over time, considering node mobility and potential failures. The reliability metric is note down as a scalar result for post-simulation analysis.
network CoverageReliabilityExample {
baseStation: BaseStation;
node[10]: WirelessNode; // Array of 10 wireless nodes
To observe the recorded coverage reliability metric, which will help we know how constantly the network maintains coverage over time by using OMNeT++’s analysis tools.
From the following details are expressed how to monitor, analyse and calculate the Network courage reliability using the tool OMNeT++. We are provided more details following your needs. Give us the specifics of your parameters, and we’ll assist you with the Network Coverage Reliability in the Omnet++ tool for your project. Our network simulation performance is managed according to your specifications. The specialists at are available to help with your investigation.